Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Anti-Inflammatory Foods
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We know inflammation is a killer; start fighting it today with this list of anti-inflammatory foods

Inflammation is thought to play a role in a wide variety of diseases; these include diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune diseases and many others. Naturally, our goal should be to mitigate inflammation and its effects as best we can. Inflammation is a natural part of our body’s processes, but problems are thought to develop when inflammation persists chronically over long periods of time. 

There are some things within our control known to promote inflammation within the body. Certainly smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can do this, but foods like sugar and other simple carbohydrates along with trans fats can promote inflammation in the body as well. Other factors might include stress and sedentary lifestyle.

Indeed, the dietary habits that many people have may just be promoting inflammation in the body. Think about what many people eat on a daily basis; many people’s diets are rich in foods like breads, pasta, potatoes and rice. If you couple these with the high amounts of sugar that many people consume via sodas and soft drinks, snack foods, candy and desserts, you begin to see not only how many simple carbs and sugars most people consume regularly but also why many of us likely struggle with chronic inflammation. 

This also leads us to an interesting observation: These foods are the very foods that might feed an internal, pathogenic yeast infection. Fungi’s favorite food is sugar, and with a steady supply, it is possible that that fungi and yeasts can flourish throughout the body while causing difficult to diagnose health problems. 

The way we measure inflammation in the body is via a test that measures a marker called CRP, or C-reactive protein. When CRP is elevated, it is thought that inflammation levels in the body are also high. However, the presence of fungus can also raise CRP levels. It is worth questioning whether fungus might be behind heightened levels of inflammation in the body, and therefore playing a role in the development many diseases.

Many of the foods too that are known to fight inflammation also posses anti-fungal properties. Most are foods you will find included in The Kaufmann Diet, which is a diet that seeks to starve pathogenic fungal infections and mitigate the risk of fungal poisons in our food supply. Knowing this, an anti-fungal diet can realistically be considered an anti-inflammatory diet, as well. 

We know that food can be used as medicine, and in the best scenarios, often in lieu of medicine for promoting health and well-being. While you should never make any dietary decisions without your doctor’s approval, making the switch to The Kaufmann Diet may have some very profound health effects for many people, including fighting inflammation and hopefully preventing very serious disease subsequently. (Always work with your doctor when initiating dietary or supplement changes, and never discontinue medicines without your doctor’s supervision.) 

While all the foods on the Kaufmann Diet are known to be nutritious and promote health, there are some key foods that stand out as particularly beneficial for fighting inflammation. Consider adding these into your Kaufmann Diet regularly to glean their benefits. Here are some of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods on the Kaufmann Diet. All of these foods are Kaufmann-diet approved and are easy to add into your regimen:


Berries, especially blueberries and raspberries




Green Tea

Olive Oil

– Peppers

Salmon and other fatty fish





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