4 Berries You Should Be Eating Regularly and Why

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It is no secret that berries are packed with flavor and health benefits; we know that these little bundles of nutrition are certainly among the healthiest fruits one can consume. But just what are the health benefits of berries?

Unilaterally for berries, we know that they are generally low in sugar, high in fiber and high in phytonutrients. Because of their rich phytonutrient content, too, many berries exhibit some anti-fungal activity –– good news for those of us Kaufmann 1! The low sugar, high nutrient content of berries makes them one of the few fruits acceptable on Kaufmann 1 of the Kaufmann Diet, and something you should enjoy often.

Whether it is fresh, frozen or thrown into a smoothie, berries are an excellent addition to your Diet.

There is no shortage of research done on the venerable blueberry; it has not earned its status as a superfood for nothing! Blue berries are packed with phytonutrients, such as cyanidins, flavonols such as quercitin, and others such as resveratrol. Blueberries have been shown to provide benefits for the cardiovascular system, cognitive ability, benefit for the eyes and protection against cancer. Furthermore, recent studies have shown that freezing blueberries does not affect their inherent nutritional value. Buying frozen, organic blueberries is usually more affordable and they last far longer.

Raspberries are best eaten when fully ripe, both for flavor and nutritional benefit. Certain compounds in raspberries have shown some effectiveness at helping control weight. Those same mechanisms in raspberries may also assist in controlling blood sugar. In addition, because of their strong anti-oxidant value, raspberries are thought to protect against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

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It is well known that cranberries can help protect against urinary tract infections, but they come with a legion of other benefits. Cranberries have been discovered to have tremendous benefit for the digestive tract. They are thought to protect against ulcer-causing Helicobacter pylori and promote healthy bacteria in the digestive tract. In addition to this, cranberries are thought to provide anti-oxidant support, anti-inflammatory support and support immune and cardiovascular health.

Tart Cherries
Tart cherries contain powerful, anti-inflammatory properties that rival some over the counter pain medications, but without any of the side effects. Tart cherries have also been shown to assist in sleeping and provide benefits for your brain. Preliminary research also suggests that drinking tart cherry juice can assist in lowering blood pressure as much as 7%.

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