The Top 7 Anti-inflammatory Supplements

Top Anti-Inflammatory Supplements
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Add these Anti-inflammatory Supplements your Kaufmann Diet to help fight inflammation. With much of the research pointing towards the fact that inflammation plays a significant role in disease, we want to do everything we can to minimize low-level, chronic inflammation in our bodies as much as possible. Fortunately, research also indicates that we do have some control over the factors that promote this sort of inflammation in the body.

One way we can do this is through diet. By switching to the Kaufmann Diet, you will be eliminating many of the foods thought to promote inflammation in the body, such as sugar and unhealthy fats. Simultaneously, you will also be eliminating pathogenic yeasts and fungi, which are known raise levels of certain inflammatory markers in the body. 

While diet is a good place to start, there are other strategies that can be helpful with eliminating fungi and living an anti-fungal lifestyle. Sensible exercise, healthy sleep cycles and stress reduction are important factors. One easy factor to incorporate, however, is supplementation. 

All of these supplements are known to fight inflammation in the body; furthermore most if not all exhibit some sort of anti-fungal activity, as well. You should always talk to your doctor before beginning a supplement regimen, but likely he or she will permit the use of any one of these Anti-inflammatory Supplements. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid

ALA is a fatty acid that is produced by the body, but it has shown potent anti-inflammatory properties in many studies when used supplementally. It has been shown to be protective against heart disease, diabetes, cancer and liver disease; it has also been shown to reduce inflammatory markers in the blood. Click to learn more about Alpha Lipoic Acid on Know the Cause. 

Fish Oil 

Fish oil is known to posses a legion of benefits. Among them, however, is that it is potently anti-fungal. Fish oil, of course, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. DHA is the fatty acid that is thought to be particularly anti-inflammatory. DHA was associated with a reduction of inflammatory markers by as much as 32% in one study. Click for more information about Fish Oil on Know the Cause.


Garlic has benefits ranging from cardiovascular support to natural antibiotic properties, but it also posses anti-inflammatory properties. Click for more information about Garlic on Know the Cause.


Two phytonutrients in ginger, gingerol and zingerone, are thought to reduce inflammation markers associated with multiple diseases, including diabetes and cancer. One study showed that levels of CRP, HbA1C and insulin all fell significantly in diabetics given 1.6g of ginger per day. Click for more information about Ginger on Know the Cause.


Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in grape skin and other foods that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to lower inflammation markers associated with stomach problems, diabetes and heart disease. Click for more information about Resveratrol on Know the Cause.


Turmeric contains the potently anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. Curcumin has been studied as a remedy for numerous health problems, and much of its efficacy is thought to be tied to how anti-inflammatory it is. Curcumin works against types of inflammation associated with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and IBS. Click for more information about Turmeric on Know the Cause.


Zinc is known for its immune-supporting properties, but it is also another one of our most powerful anti-inflammatory supplements available. Zinc may be beneficial against the pain associated with arthritis.

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The Fungus Link to Diabetes

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