Fungus and Depression

Fungus And Depression

Fungus can do that? Fungus and Depression Links Continued.

Do you or a loved one suffer from depression? A study done in 2007 by an associate professor in the Department of Community Health at Brown University dispelled the notion that fungus was not at the root of depression.  The author, studying almost 6,000 adults believe that such a link would not exist.  But after the statistics had come in, “we found a solid association between depression and living in a damp, moldy home.”

To make matters more compelling for a mold-depression relationship, a few years later, researchers discovered that common anti-depression medications, called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI’s), had antifungal properties.


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One of the first lectures I gave in the 1980’s was to a group of Orthomolecular Psychiatrists who became fascinated in my nutrition work.  It was not coincidental then, anymore than it is today, that proper diet and the right supplements help many depressed patients. Most importantly, these simple tools enable depressed patients to become proactive in their own mental health. SSRI’s erase symptoms a few hours at a time, whereas learning about nutrition liberates many depressed patients. Never stop taking depression medication without your doctors’ knowledge and assistance

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