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Evidence Mounts

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In 1997, Dr. Mann discovered that a simple antifungal drug that successfully treated fungal diseases and skin and nail fungal infections, also just happened to also lowered men’s PSA levels. The drug was called “Nizoral.” Doctors believe that the PSA test is useful for both prostate cancer surveillance and prostate cancer diagnosis.

Based on this exciting discovery, one would have thought that every urologist in American would have begun treating elevated PSA levels and even prostate cancer with Nizoral, but unfortunately, that was never the case.
18 years later, it has been discovered, or “rediscovered,” if you will, that this same antifungal drug, Nizoral, may also be useful in treating certain lung cancers and even some rare cancers.

I’m concerned that once again, our doctors will not learn of this recent research paper and I’ve just got to ask, “why not?”
I believe it is for two distinct reasons; a 30 days supply of 200mg Nizoral costs under $80. Additionally, think about this. Any disease, including cancer, which responds favorably to an antifungal drug, must logically be a fungal disease. Doesn’t that make sense? Cancer is a growing business. Currently cancer costs we Americans $100 billion annually, but the National Cancer Institute (NCI) projects it will increase to a $158 billion dollar business in 5 years. What if cancer could be successfully treated with diet and an $80 monthly drug?
I am currently working on my second cancer journal publication linking fungal mycotoxins to cancer. Science has proven that fungal mycotoxins cause cancer, but I also believe that many cancers are misdiagnosed because fungal “sacs” cannot be differentiated from cancer tumors.

The good news for all of us is that the evidence is mounting that fungi and cancer fit together like a hand in a glove…






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