Why The Source Of Your Food Matters

Source of your food
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In modern times, most people in America are very detached from where our food comes from. This makes sense, as few of us live and work on farms anymore, and most people do not hunt for their own food, or forage for fruits and vegetables. Most of us simply go to the supermarket. But the source of your food does matter––even if you are eating a healthy diet like The Kaufmann Diet.

Take the meat you eat, for example. Much of the meat produced in America comes from factory farms, where animals are routinely given hormones and antibiotics. These drugs can contaminate the meat and dairy products that come from those animals; are those things we really want to get in our diet? Of course not, but if you do not pay attention to which products you are buying, the chance of getting meat or dairy products contaminated with those drugs is high.

There are other problems with huge factory food operations––take the issue of mycotoxins in grain and corn. This contamination usually happens during the storage process, in the huge silos where these crops are kept before being sold and transported for processing. If you are buying these foods directly from a farmer who freshly harvested them, the odds them being contaminated with mycotoxins might be lower. (Regardless, they’d still be eliminated from The Kaufmann Diet due to their carbohydrate content.)

The point is, it is hard to know the quality of the food you are buying if you have no idea about where it came from. So, to the extent you can know where your food comes from, this is a beneficial thing. There are a couple strategies you can use to be a little closer to the source of your food. 

Shop Local

Often times, it is easier than you think to find local farmers and ranchers who will sell you meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products and produce directly. These are usually family run farms who care deeply about what they produce, and they are far less likely to use hormones, antibiotics, or harmful fertilizers and pesticides than factory farmers. 

Shopping local also means finding local grocery stores or health food stores instead of the large chains that care more about the products they sell.

CSAs and Co-ops are Great

Becoming a part of a local CSA or farm co-op is a great way to have fresh fruits and vegetables delivered to your door regularly. Some of the foods you get might be new to you, and challenge you to prepare food in new ways. The assortment of foods is a good, broad spectrum source of nutrition as well. 

Kaufmann Diet Guide

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