When people hear the word “microbe” they automatically think “danger!” But God placed billions of good, healthy microbes in our bodies when we were born.
If we are fortunate, in the absence of chemicals in our diets and medications, these can last a lifetime. We have learned that most of our immune system is made up of these healthy microbes. But we know that good microbes began converting to bad microbes, called “pathogens” in the 1940’s and 1950, Without knowledge of the consequences, science had discovered a method of killing bad bacterial germs inside the body, thereby averting serious life-threatening infections. Their development was serendipitous and ground breaking…now, if man could only use antibiotics judiciously. The Center for Disease Control tells us that doctors are grossly overusing antibiotics.
Antibiotics, I believe can disrupt the synergy that exists between bacteria and yeasts in our intestines two ways; They kill both good and bad bacteria and we need the good bacteria for good health. Also, they can change good yeasts within the intestines to bad (pathogenic) yeasts. Long-term consequences of antibiotic overuse may be even more damaging, because antibiotics, called “mycotoxins,” can be poisonous to our nerve cells. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3175508/).
A new study has discovered that these normally harmless intestinal yeasts, in animal models, can influence not only our immune and our nervous systems, but also our behavior as well! We need to take good care of the good microbes in our intestines. Probiotics and a clean diet can do much to help repair damage done by antibiotics or other prescriptive medications.
I have taught for decades to be prudent with medication use. All medications have potential deleterious consequences, called “Adverse Drug Events” or ADE’s. If you find yourself struggling with neurological symptoms/diseases or any number of behavior conditions, find a doctor who understands the importance of this new article! It can be life-changing!
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