An Overlooked Benefit Of Probiotics

Overlooked Benefit of Probiotics
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Probiotics Have Many Benefits, Including A Commonly Overlooked One.

Probiotics are simply beneficial bacteria; you can find probiotics in many kinds of foods, such as sauerkraut and plain yogurt. These can be good to include in your diet for this reasons. However, probiotics are perhaps most potent in supplement form; this is likely how many people are familiar with them, and there are a wide variety of probiotic products available at your health food store that can be beneficial to include in your regimen. 

Having a healthy colony of these beneficial bacteria in your intestines, as many know, are extremely good for health. We all have these bacteria growing naturally in throughout the gut, and they perform many tasks that assist us in living healthy lives. Probiotics are known to:

      • help with digestion
      • assist in immunity 
      • manufacture certain nutrients that are beneficial for health
      • promote stomach health

Despite the fact that we are all born with these beneficial bacterial colonies in our guts, they can become damaged in a variety of ways: 

      • Poor diets that include lots of refined carbs, sugar, and processed foods void of fiber can damage probiotic colonies. 
      • Smoking, drugs, and alcohol can have a detrimental effect on bacterial colonies. 
      • Stress can have a negative effect on these bacterial colonies, particularly chronic stress. 
      • Antibiotics can annihilate beneficial bacterial colonies, as they are indiscriminate bacterial killers. 

When these colonies are damaged, it gives another organism a chance to flourish: yeasts. 

Yeast overgrowth in the gut is thought to be a problem that precedes many types of health problems. Yeast overgrowth is known as dysbiosis. Beneficial bacterial colonies are often what keep dysbiosis at bay, which is one reason why when you go on The Kaufmann Diet––a diet designed to starve pathogenic yeasts and fungi––it is imperative to replace these bacteria as you eliminate yeasts and fungi. 

Yeasts do a number of things that can be deleterious for health; one of the many ways they can harm our health is by excreting what are known as mycotoxins into our bodies. Mycotoxins are poisonous byproducts that can cause harm to humans and animals. They are documented as causing all kinds of health problems, including cancer.  

One little known fact about probiotics, however, is that probiotics excrete substances that can neutralize mycotoxins, rendering them much less harmful.

So on The Kaufmann Diet, the benefits afforded by probiotics really are two fold: They prevent yeasts from being able to flourish, and they can neutralize the harmful chemicals yeasts and fungi excrete. 

As many natural anti-fungals that exist, there are decidedly fewer anti-mycotic substances, or substances that directly inhibit mycotoxins. These are dangerous and powerful chemicals, and any way that you can protect yourself against them is a healthy strategy you should take seriously. The anti-mycotic effects of probiotics is simply one more reason to include in your regimen. 

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