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What isn’t known is more important than what is known!

What Isn't Known is more important
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While I await the 2022 CDC’s “Think Fungus” online educational piece, an annual event the past few years, I reread the 2021 issue.  As you know, I have felt for 50+ years that we are directly or indirectly responsible for our own health problems. Directly, because if I chose to smoke, drink alcohol, eat poorly and live a sedentary lifestyle, I may suffer the consequences of those decisions.  Indirectly, in the case of perhaps a genetic anomaly in which mom and dad contributed to my misery.  It seems as though this governmental agency (CDC) agrees with my statement, in that their 2021 “Think Fungus” they seem to place the blame on our misdiagnosed fungal illnesses on we, the patients!  “Tell your doctor,” seems to be their way of avoiding the obvious; that doctors don’t seem to comprehend systemic fungal diseases. Therefore, the onus is on the sufferer, not the healthcare provider, to learn and then teach about fungal symptoms and diseases.

Over 25 years ago, Dr Thammayya published why he believed that medical errors were so common.  It seems doctors didn’t know much about fungal diseases in 1996.  Sadly, this lack of knowledge continues today (1). Perhaps grammatically incorrect, but I believe that he hits the proverbial nail directly on the head when he stated that the “Reasons for these medical errors are:

1. The nature of fungal diseases and the fungi causing them is not known to the majority of the health care personnel involved in health care.

2. Mycology is not taught at graduate level.

3. Mycotic diseases pose no epidemics. So fungal diseases do not receive any attention by the policy makers of health care personnel.”

If you are sick and getting sicker, and your healthcare team has no idea why, please consider learning about fungus. As you follow the antifungal protocol and start getting better, the onus is once again on you. This time, you must teach your doctor how you recovered so he/she can help other patients do the same. In essence, he/she must “Think Fungus!”



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