How To Fix Your Gut

Fix Your Gut

We know that gut health is important; here are steps to fix yeast problems in the gut. Fix your gut!

We know that gut health is critical for good health, but it is all the more important when we are talking about The Kaufmann Diet’s efficacy. Fortunately, there are some very simple steps that you can take to improve your gut health, fight fungi, and ultimately experience the elevated health that The Kaufmann Diet has provided for so many people. 

With the exception of the diet, it is likely none of these steps alone will fix the problem of dysbiosis. And while the diet alone will get you a long way towards relief, a unilateral, holistic approach that utilizes diet and supplements might be the approach necessary to help you rid your body of pathogenic yeasts and fungi that might be causing your health problems. 

Switch to The Kaufmann Diet

Switching to The Kaufmann Diet is going to do a couple of things. First, you will be eliminating foods that are the most likely to be contaminated with mycotoxins. This includes corn, wheat, sugar, soy, peanuts, pistachios, alcohol and anything made with yeast. Secondly, because The Kaufmann Diet eliminates sugar and most simple carbohydrates, you will be doing much to starve any sort of yeast overgrowth in the gut and throughout the body. Simultaneously, you’ll be nourishing the body with whole foods that are known to promote health. 

Add in Anti-fungal Supplements

The Diet goes a long way towards eliminating fungus, but anti-fungal supplements can supply the added punch needed to kill yeast and fungi and keep them at bay. These include supplements like caprylic acid, oregano oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil, supplemental garlic, and many others. If you happen to be taking medicines, be sure to talk to your doctor about any interactions, but many of these supplements are very safe, food-based, and effective at killing yeast and fungi. 

Take A Potent Probiotic 

Probiotics help reintroduce good bacteria into your digestive tract. There are many of these supplements available. Be sure to find those with live bacterial colonies. In the begining, a loading dose of these probiotics may be beneficial. After that, a normal amount may be fine to continue supplementally. 

Eat Prebiotic Foods

These include foods like garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, flax seeds, and green apples. Prebiotic foods contain fiber that probiotics use as food. These foods can help promote the growth of probiotics in the gut. 

Eat Probiotic Foods

The most notable of these foods is plain yogurt with live bacterial colonies. Look for full-fat varieties and avoid varieties with added sugar or flavorings. Other probiotic foods include sauerkraut and kimchi. These can be good, but make sure they are not made with added sugar. 

Supplement with Psyllium Hulls 

Psyllium hulls is a non-soluble form of fiber. Psyllium is a good supplement fiber for The Kaufmann Diet, particularly in the beginning as you are starving yeast and fungi. It can help keep you regular and aid with constipation, but it is also known to bind to mycotoxins and help “sweep” them out of the gut. 

Kaufmann Diet Guide

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