Fiber: What Is So Great About Psyllium Hulls?


Psyllium hulls are marketed as being beneficial for regularity and heart health, both of which are notable benefits. But what makes psyllium hulls so great for The Kaufmann Diet is that it is known to bind to mycotoxins in the gut and assist in “sweeping” them out of the body. This makes psyllium an important part of your regimen, particularly in the beginning of The Kaufmann Diet; as you begin to eliminate yeasts and fungi, using psyllium hulls to help to usher them and their byproducts out of the body can be very useful.

Fiber is an important nutrient and one that is generally lacking in the American diet. Getting enough fiber, however, is known to promote health in a variety of ways. Fiber is known to help keep cholesterol levels in check; fiber helps you maintain regularity; fiber is known to assist in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels; getting enough fiber is associated with maintaining healthy weight. Simply put, you should place a focus on getting enough fiber in your diet. 

Many people assume that they must get their fiber from whole grains, as these are generally the recommended sources of fiber in your diet. On The Kaufmann Diet, however, foods like grains and corn are excluded because of the carbohydrate content and the potential for contamination with mold poisons. This does not mean that you cannot get enough fiber on Kaufmann Diet, nor does it mean you should forgo focusing on fiber. 

Some examples of fiber-rich foods on the Kaufmann Diet are:

– avocados
– berries, like strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
– artichokes
– carrots
– almonds
– broccoli
– Brussels sprouts

There are two types of fiber: soluble, and insoluble. Both are important, but one type of insoluble fiber, known as psyllium hulls, is an important supplement to add into your Kaufmann Diet regimen. Because it is insoluble fiber, it is neither absorbed nor digested by the body. In other words, what goes in must come out. 

As always, it is important to talk to your doctor before beginning any supplement, including psyllium hulls. However, psyllium can be a powerful addition to your Kaufmann Diet regimen, and will likely confer a myriad of health benefits.

Related Articles:

Everything you need to know about Psyllium Hulls

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