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Digital Devices and Your Children’s Health

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Researchers have found that using the digital devices before bed was associated with less sleep, poorer sleep quality, and morning fatigue. The children studied were shown to also have a risk factor for much higher BMI’s.

Screen time associated with sleep patterns included television, computer time, cell phone use, and texting. Multiple devices around bedtime seem to result in worse sleep patterns than using just one device.

The question is why does poor sleep quality lead to a higher BMI in children and adolescents?

A new study from UC Berkeley examined the brain regions that control food choices. These findings shed new light on the link between poor sleep and obesity. The study showed that sleep deprivation makes us more likely to grab a doughnut, pizza, and sugary drinks than healthier foods. Previous studies have linked poor sleep quality to greater appetites, but the latest findings provide a specific brain mechanism explaining why food choices change with sleep deprivation.

If studies show this correlation between technology use and food choices in children and adolescents, it stands to reason that it would be the same for adults. Most of the food choices made during these studies lead to a diet of foods high in mycotoxins. As we know from Doug’s wisdom, mycotoxins feed fungi and fungi can cause inflammation. More than likely this is a piece of the puzzle to obesity and Type 2 diabetes in our society, along with many other health problems.

Of course we know that there are many benefits to the use of technology; however with this new research, maybe parents and grandparents should think about limiting technology before bedtime.

As a former reading teacher, I would highly recommend a good book before bedtime. It’s a good thing!

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