Can you imagine what would have happened if The University of Montreal researchers ever had lunch with The University of Iowa researchers and discussed diabetes? Why is that relevant? University of Iowa researchers recently discovered that Vitamin B3, or “niacin,” helped lower blood sugar, reduced fatty livers and prevented neuropathy in mice with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.
A few years’ earlier, researchers at The University of Montreal, were studying the potential antifungal properties of Vitamin B3. One of the researchers stated this; “Although many issues remain to be investigated, the results of our study are very exciting and they constitute an important first step in the development of new therapeutic agents to treat fungal infections without major side effects for patients.” Vitamin B3 kills fungus! But this research begs a much larger question that one day will be answered. How does a harmless vitamin help diabetes unless diabetes is a fungal mycotoxin disease (we call these “chronic mycotoxicoses”)? Antifungals only kill fungus. They would never stop diabetes, unless diabetes wasn’t actually diabetes. Read my 13-year-old book, The Fungus Link to Diabetes for further discussion.
Vitamin B3 has been studied for decades and thousands of studies prove its benefit to human health. It, like many other vitamins and minerals, has strong antifungal properties. This is yet another reason to take your multivitamins every day.