Diabetes And The Fungus Link


The Fungus Link To Diabetes – More Proof

A new class of type two Diabetes drugs called “thiazolidinediones” (thigh-a-zole-eye-den-dee-owns) has arrived on the market. Because I know of your fascination with drug names, this class of drugs is also called “glitazones.” You may know them as Actos and Avandia.

Why either of these drugs remain on the market is anyone’s (except the drug companies CPA’s) guess, because not only are they dangerous, (Heart Risk from Actos® as Great as from Avandia®, Study Suggests), but also politics (Do We Even Need This Drug?) seems to be playing a role in their continued use and as I have said many times, the very disease they treat might be safer to treat without drugs, since type 2 Diabetes is often thought to be lifestyle driven phenomenon.

If I didn’t have to worry about their obvious safety concerns, I am always fascinated with any manmade chemical compound that actually seem to do what they say it will do! How do these two drugs stabilize blood sugar levels so well?

MY TAKE-In 2005, London researchers discovered that thiazolidinediones did far more than lowering blood sugar. In fact they reduced liver steatosis, white blood cell counts, fibrosis, inflammation, levels of serum liver enzymes and even C-reactive protein levels. Further their use was found to be efficacious in non-alcohol induced liver disease (NASH), ulcerative colitis and even psoriasis! These sound like antifungal drugs, don’t they? So glad you asked, because they are!

The Fungus Link To Diabetes

The Fungus Link to Diabetes book

Diabetes affects so many people, yet “management” is often the recommended treatment.  Why do you have Diabetes?  Were you simply dealt a bad genetic hand, or did fungus contribute to it?  This is a must read for patients and doctors alike.  It includes the antifungal program and diets.

View or purchase book today!

An Indian study in 2011 proved that some of these thiazolidinediones exhibited “remarkable Antifungal activity, while a 2011 Tennessee study declared that these drugs showed an ability to inhibit fungal growth comparable to Diflucan.

So diabetic drugs are Antifungal drugs! Be still my heart! Of course, over a decade ago, our book, The Fungus Link to Diabetes hit the market and although very well documented scientifically, we knew that it would take researchers decades to finally draw the same conclusions we had about the most overlooked cause of diabetes…fungus.

Forgive me for being so naïve as to think that I understand a serious disease like Diabetes better than endocrinologists do, because I really don’t. But I learned long ago that it isn’t necessary for me to understand oxygen before I inhaled. I’m just grateful that it works! And that is a perfect analogy for where Endocrinologists are today in their understanding of Diabetes drugs. Truly, they believe that no one knows the cause of Diabetes, a disease they have dedicated their entire lives to understanding. They’re just grateful that these thiazolidinediones work!

In closing this blog, I must ask these two simple questions;

1. If a pill that kills fungus also successfully treats Diabetes, what must cause Diabetes?

2. Since that same class of pills has injured or killed many takers, isn’t there a safer way of doing this? Maybe a diet that might starve the fungus, and some natural supplements could help?


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