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Your Skin Condition Might Not Be Skin Deep

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If you have skin problems, it might be time to address an underlying problem.

For many, skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, and even acne are chronic, embarrassing problems that affect quality of life. To that end, many wind up on an endless cycle of pharmaceutical drugs with the intent of clearing their skin up. For some people, these work. For others, they do not work as well. For all people who opt to try pharmaceutical drugs, there can be a risk for certain dangerous side effects. 

Often, skin doctors do not have a good reason why these problems exist or manifest in some patients. While they may be skilled at diagnosing and treating some of these problems, often their answer is simply to prescribe pills, not address and underlying cause. Many patients are left wondering what the underlying cause of their skin problems could be, though, and if there is anything else they can do. 

Perhaps, the underlying cause behind skin problems lies not on the skin, but inside the body.

If you ask most dermatologists, they will likely tell you that that fungus or yeast would have little to do with your skin problems. Other than occasional topical fungal infections, like ringworm, most dermatologists assume that fungi have little to do with health problems. However, this does not necessarily address whether a more deeply seated fungal problem could be playing a role with subsequent skin problems.

This is speculation of course, but there are many practitioners who believe that underlying, internal problems with yeast can lead to skin problems.

Doug talks extensively about his work in dermatology, where he would unilaterally recommend dietary changes aimed at eliminating yeast inside the body with the goal of clearing up skin problems. In many cases, dietary changes and anti-fungal medicine would work wonders for patients who had suffered for years from hard-to-treat skin problems. 

Simply put, for people who have suffered from skin problems––sometimes for years––perhaps it is time to try some simple dietary measures. 

The Kaufmann Anti-fungal program might be a good place to start.

This program involves some simple dietary changes––notably eliminating sugar, grains, corn, potatoes and other foods. Instead, you are encouraged to focus on vegetables, low sugar fruits, fresh, unprocessed meats, nuts, seeds and healthy fats. As part of the program,rotating natural antifungals are encouraged. Replenishing beneficial bacteria via probiotic supplementation is also a must. 

Many dieters report relief from a number of symptoms, including skin problems. It is always important to talk to your doctor before implementing dietary changes or incorporating new supplements. Likely, however, switching to the Kaufmann Diet and Anti-fungal program is an easy step to take towards eliminating skin problems and other health issues for good.

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Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

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