Low-carb diets work well for weight loss, can anyone guess why? Here is what most of them miss. For years now, low carb diets have been the go-to diet for anyone looking to lose weight and regain control of their health. These kinds of diets seem particularly well-suited for those trying to shed some pounds, and theories abound as to why they are so effective. Some practitioners speculate on a few reasons why:
- Overall calories are restricted when carbohydrates are cut out. Many of the “empty” calories in the form of foods like high sugar drinks are eliminated, and the foods you focus on tend to be more filling and nutrient dense.
- Eating more protein assists the body in shedding unwanted weight
- Eating fewer carbohydrates helps lower insulin, mitigating the fat-storing mechanism in the body.
All of these likely have some truth to them, particularly given the fact that simple carbohydrates comprise such a large percentage of the daily calorie intake for many people. The average American consumes somewhere between 100-120lbs of sugar in a given year! This simply is an unnatural diet for humans, and the long-term effects of eating this way have clearly showed themselves when we look at the health statistics in this country; nearly 60% of people are considered overweight and at risk for all of the associate health complications that accompany carrying too much weight.
Similar to many of the other low-carbohydrate diets, The Kaufmann Diet also eliminates many of the simple carbohydrates people are accustom to eating. One key difference, however, is that The Kaufmann Diet was not necessarily designed to help one lose weight.
The Kaufmann Diet was designed to eliminate pathogenic fungi inside the body that feed on sugar and can cause a myriad of health problems when they flourish unchecked. This condition can happen in a variety of ways, but it can be difficult to detect or diagnose, yet there is evidence that these organisms may play a role in facilitating many health problems people experience.
Interestingly, one of the downstream effects of combatting pathogenic yeasts and fungi is fairly effortless weight loss amongst people who go on The Kaufmann Diet and anti-fungal program. Many of these folks have struggled to lose weight in other ways only to find it relatively easy when taking an anti-fungal approach.
It is worth asking, does The Kaufmann Diet work for weight loss because it is low carb, or do low carb diets work because they eliminate fungi?
Most low carb diets do not necessarily address the issue of fungal overgrowth, but eliminating carbs and sugar does go quite a long way towards doing this. Knowing that, if you have tried to lose weight and have struggled to do so, it may be time to try The Kaufmann Diet. It works great for weight loss and has the added benefit of addressing any underlying fungal issue that might be preventing you from losing weight, or causing any other number of health problems you may be experiencing.
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