Are you cheating on the diet? How did you feel afterwards? Sometimes it’s good to be reminded why you changed in the first place.
If you have been on The Kaufmann Diet for any length of time, chances are that you are feeling better than you have felt in years. Maybe you have experienced relief from symptoms that have plagued you for years, or maybe some serious health problems you were once dealing with are in remission or otherwise gone. Perhaps you have lost unwanted weight and watched your blood pressure or blood sugar or cholesterol stabilize.
When you address an underlying fungal problem, other health problems seem to simultaneously resolve, and that might not be coincidental.
Chances are, too, if you have been on the diet for any length of time, you have had ample opportunity to cheat. And most people, at some point, do. Don’t sweat it.
Cheating on the diet isn’t some sort of moral shortcoming like many people are accustom to believing. The fact is, most food available to us isn’t food that is necessarily fit for The Kaufmann Diet. Our entire industrialized food system is underpinned by foods you should probably be avoiding, foods like wheat, corn, soy, and sugar. These foods are everywhere and in everything. Invariably, if you eat food (which we all do!), you will wind up eating something not on your diet. No one follows any diet with 100% accuracy. Don’t sweat it.
Even if cheating is not accidental––i.e., you decide to have a slice of pie or a soda––that’s ok too. Don’t sweat it.
One question to follow is, how did you feel afterwards?
A lot of times, after being on the diet for a period of time, many people try to go back to eating the way they used to. They’ll have a soda, or a pizza, or a rich dessert. Almost immediately they notice two things: This doesn’t taste as good as it used to, and I feel terrible! For most, that simply creates a greater resolve to be extremely mindful about what you put in your mouth. After a period of time on the diet, you crave nourishing foods, not the junk foods you gave up. After a period of time, you learn that what you eat can have fairly immediate consequences for how you feel. After a period of time, you learn just how powerful nutrition can be.
The Kaufmann Diet is meant to become a lifestyle, not just a temporary fix for health problems. For most people, the thought of giving up their favorite foods forever seems terrible. But after a period of time on the diet, going to back to old habits seems unimaginable. And when you do cave in, you realize that you don’t miss those foods as much as you previously thought. So, don’t feel bad about cheating, it will likely make you feel bad enough to get back on your diet.