People trying to lose weight are often desperate for a quick fix, and this unfortunately leads many people to trying desperate things. The problem is that not only are these things largely ineffective––particularly in the long run––they are often dangerous and detrimental to your health. Some of these things might include:
Starving Yourself
Not eating at all is a bad way to lose weight. The result is often binge eating to follow, and any results you achieve for lowering the scale will likely reverse as soon as you resume eating. Starving yourself results in malnutrition, which can have horrible health implications down the line.
Starving yourself is not to be confused with intermittent fasting, wherein you do not eat for a period of time. Intermittent fasting can be very beneficial for health and weight loss, but during your eating window, you are supposed to consume plenty of food.
Very Low Calorie Diets
Some diets restrict calorie consumption to 500-800 calories a day; an average person needs around 2000 calories a day to fuel basic metabolism; this is just the energy for your body to keep functioning and get up and move around. If you are very active, you need even more calories. These diets can help you lose weight quickly, but as soon as you stop, often the weight comes right back, and many people even put on additional weight. These diets simply do not work for the long term.
Exercising Too Much
Many people wrongfully assume they can eat whatever they want as long as they exercise, but in reality, it can be difficult to lose weight merely by exercising. Not only does exercising not burn as many calories as you assume, it also makes people hungrier and often eat more than they otherwise would. Exercising––even exercising a lot––without dialing in your diet likely won’t help you achieve the weight loss goals you have.
Supplements in Lieu Of Dieting
Everyone is looking for a silver bullet when it comes to weight loss, and there are no shortage of weight loss supplements claiming to be just that. However, supplements by themselves are a very poor strategy for losing weight. You must change your diet. Of course, there are supplements which might be beneficial for health––and even some which might help you lose weight––but the effects of these will never outmatch a poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.
The Best Way To Lose Weight
When it comes to weight loss, diet is key. If you are looking for a healthy and effective way to lose weight, try The Kaufmann Diet. It will likely feel restrictive at first, but the diet itself focuses on whole foods and real nutrition. You do not need to count calories, just eat the foods permitted on the diet. Try adding in some sensible exercise like walking for 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. In addition to your anti-fungal diet, add some anti-fungal supplements to help purge the body of any pathogenic yeasts. Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep. This is the foundation of The Kaufmann Diet and anti-fungal program.
Many people who go on the diet wind up losing significant weight more easily than they ever have before. And, because the diet is something that can be followed long-term, it can easily become a lifestyle habit, facilitating long-term healthy weight management.
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