What Is A Fungal Infection?

Fungal Infection
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First, know that yeasts are single celled fungi, so when I refer to “fungal infections,” I’m also referring to “yeast infections.”

Every woman knows what a yeast infection is and men, if doctors better understood this topic, they would know that every man has likely had a yeast infection as well.  Men, have you ever had dandruff, jock itch or toenail fungus?  Then you’ve had a yeast infection.

There are two distinct kinds of fungal infections; localized and systemic.  Ringworm is a localized fungal infection, as is a nail infection.  These are treated with drugs or various OTC creams only where the infection is.  Systemic fungal infections, however, kill over one million people annually.  Once inside the body, fungal infections can disseminate (metastasize) rapidly and go from the blood stream into the kidneys, liver or any other organ and off-gas poisonous fungal byproducts, called “mycotoxins.”  Doctors believe that most often those who have compromised immune systems are most vulnerable to systemic fungal infections.  But since many of these mycotoxins compromise a normally healthy immune system, I disagree. I contend that chronic exposure to mold (fungi) impedes healthy immune systems enough to transform a healthy immune system into an immunocompromised immune system.  If you go on vacation and feel fine…until you enter your own home again….THINK FUNGUS and get your home tested for mold! I also contend that excessive antibiotic intake or even moderate alcohol consumption can contribute to compromised immunity. Believe it or not, 68 gallons of beer annually for men or 58 bottles of wine annually for women is medically referred to as “moderate alcohol consumption.”  Both antibiotics and alcohol involve mycotoxins, so if you are concerned that you may have or may be vulnerable to having a systemic fungal infection, please share this important information with your own doctor.  For most people, I believe that knowledge provides the key to preventing fungal infections.

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