Weather Health Hazards

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Natural weather caused events are reeking havoc from coast to coast, highlighted by the Category 4 Hurricane Harvey with winds to 130 mph and local rainfall totals to new record 50 inches plus in a brief time frame.  Incredible life-threatening floods causing out-of-banks severely swollen rivers, flooded roadways and neighborhoods and tornadoes have dominated national news. 

Hurricanes bring the serious threat of airborne pathogens

as well as all the pollution and toxicity of flood waters and contaminated water supplies. Add forest fires, blizzard snowfalls and drought to present or future items in other areas in national news. 

We sadly witness the loss of life, plus terrible destruction of natural habitat, together with almost unbelievable devastation to homes, businesses, highways and all forms of transportation.

But too often overlooked are the seriously damaging effects on our bodies, minds and general health. First is the stress from being aware and waiting for an approaching catastrophe.  This causes our bodies to increase hormonal production of adrenaline, but also creates a tenseness and strain that can be damaging if existing for an extended period. 
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Worry, concern and unusually intense physical exertion with exhaustion all contribute. Add poor eating habits and often dehydration, plus lack of adequate rest essential for body restoration.  And then if disaster does strike us personally and those we care for, our health is severely challenged.
High winds associated with hurricanes, tornadoes, dust storms and many weather events can bring pathogens including fungus, bacteria, and viruses from other areas that attempt to invade our body’s as health terrorists. Allergies bring misery from winds carrying allergens from afar. Floods can corrupt water sources and contaminate drinking water with viruses and multiple potential diseases. Pay attention to local authorities alerts for health hazards.
Health threats uncommon to our local area, are extra serious because our immune systems have not prepared antibodies to fight back rapidly.  Plus, in disasters, we seldom eat right, minimize stress, get adequate hydration or enough rest.  Excess stress changes our hormone production that can disrupt disease fighting functions, instructing the body to enter fight mode for protection which when extended can negatively impact our normal body functions and our immune system which is our primary defense.
The sky can also bring debris and particulates in high winds, smoke, dust and polluted air.  We may not know the chemicals and other pollutants dangerous to breathing, our skin, and our eyes, causing fatigue, fungal, respiratory and skin issues.
What do we do to prepare our body’s when storms are coming?  Energize and amp up your immune response and stock up healthy foods and water.  Minimize sugar. Get a space away from TV, Tablets, and Smartphones, children and family if possible and shut your eyes for a few minutes to recharge.
Deep breathe and try to relax through prayer, meditation, exercise or a combination.  Keep your medications in a safe place and be sure to reorder in advance to avoid lacking needed prescription medications.  Help others and be alert to the needs of others. Volunteer in relief efforts as able.
For those of you who don’t know about Beta Glucan, let me send you a free sample.  Most will know of its immune system abilities after completing this sample.
Keep your immune response as your first line of defense strong; especially against disease causing pathogens including mold and fungus. Use known and medical school checked food and supplement sources such as NSC Immunition products including proven immune boosters fungal fighters and multiple vitamins. Frankly speaking try to stay calm, alert, focused and as rested as possible to let today be the first day of your better tomorrow



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