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The Best Topical Anti-Fungal Essential Oils

antifungal Essential Oils
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If you have topical fungal problems, such as nail fungus, essential oils may be able to help.

We talk a lot about fungal problems inside the body, such as yeast overgrowth, and the deleterious health side effects those fungal infections can have. That does not mean that fungus isn’t a problem on the outside of the body as well. Fungus can easily cause problems on the skin, or on your fingernails, or on your scalp. These are common problems and often thought of as superficial. 

These might be a sign, however, that you want to start taking fungi more seriously. 

Topical fungal infections may be a sign of a deeper problem, and it might be wise to waste no time in taking some simple but serious and effective steps to mitigate any harm fungi could cause you. These steps include switching to the Kaufmann Diet, which will helps to starve pathogenic yeasts and fungi in the body while also minimizing the risk of exposure to mycotoxins (fungal poisons) in the diet. These steps also include taking anti-fungal supplements, such as caprylic acid or oregano oil. It is also essential to replace the good bacteria in the gut with probiotics, which can help prevent yeast overgrowth in the future. 

But while you are addressing internal fungal problems, there are things you can do to address topical fungal problems, as well. Some useful tools for this purpose come in the form of essential oils. 

How To Use Them

These essential oils that are particularly adept at fighting topical fungus are citronella, eucalyptus, lemongrass, orange, palmarosa, peppermint, and tea tree oil. These are all likely available at your local health food store or drug store. 

It is important to remember that pure essential oils can irritate some people’s skin, so you will likely want to dilute any essential oil that you are using on the skin with a carrier oil like almond oil. (Coconut oil may be good for this too, because coconut oil contains potent anti fungal properties as well.) Apply the dilute oil with a sterile cotton ball or pad, being careful not to touch the infected area with your bare hands and potentially spread the infection elsewhere. 

Just like with anti-fungal supplements, a broad spectrum approach is best, so using a blend of the above mentioned oils may be more effective than simply using one. And rotating them might also be beneficial. 

It is important to keep your skin and nails dry with plenty of exposure to fresh air and you treat these topical infections. Fungi thrive in warm, moist, dark, anaerobic environments, so air and sunshine are your friends as you experiment with these topical oils. Some oils may be sold in pre-mixed, pre-diluted varieties, and these can be useful as well. 

Topical fungi problems can be more than superficial or annoying, so it is important to address them swiftly and with a wide variety of tools. 

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