Tear Duct Fungus

Tear Duct Fungus
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FUNGUS GROWS THERE? An Indian woman in her 60’s went to an Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat clinic complaining of a chronic right-eye watering condition for 8 months.  It was painless, but when it began affecting her vision, she decided to visit the doctor.  After some concerns that this was cancer, special studies were ordered including a biopsy. They discovered that this was not cancer, rather a rare condition called “lacrimal sac Aspergillosis.”   One of the shocking lessons doctors often learn when discovering a fungal cause to any illness is that so often the patient’s immune systems are not compromised, as was the case here.  Physicians believe that a compromised immune system encourages fungal growth.  What they don’t learn is that most pathogenic sac forming fungi (Ascomycetes) cause immunosuppression.

The lacrimal sacs are tear ducts and somehow a fungus called “Aspergillus” had found its way into her right eye.  After receiving both IV and oral antifungal drugs, the woman improved significantly.

Yes, fungus grows in the tear duct, brain, eyeball, heart and bloodstream and most everywhere inside the human body.  I believe that very often when an examining doctor suspects cancer biopsies are quickly taken and sent to the laboratory.  Neither the doctor, nor the lab tech fully comprehend how to differentiate sac fungi, like Aspergilloma’s from cancer tumors. I believe this woman was saved by living in India where fungal conditions are most likely far better understood than in America.


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