Plant-based diets have become more popular recently, and not without reason; most Americans do not get enough plants in their diet in the form of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. No one could argue that eating more vegetables and fruits is a bad thing for the majority of people.
The term “plant-based” is somewhat nebulous. Some people use it to describe a diet that consists of mostly plants, but still contains meat, eggs, and dairy products. Some use the term to describe a vegetarian lifestyle, which allows for some dairy and eggs, but no animal flesh of any kind. And some use it to describe a diet free from any animal products at all, which is referred to as “vegan”.
There are a variety of reasons why one would want to adopt a plant-based lifestyle. Research certainly shows some health benefits associated with this type of lifestyle, including reduced cancer risk and reduced risk of heart disease. Furthermore, one can lessen their environmental impact in eating this way.
The question for some is, can you eat a plant-based diet while on the Kaufmann Anti-fungal diet. The answer is, yes!
The Kaufmann Diet is fairly adaptable when it comes to vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. However, there are some things to remember if you are eating a plant-based diet while on the Kaufmann Anti-fungal program.
Many Popular Vegan and Vegetarian Foods Should Be Avoided
A number of foods popular with vegans and vegetarians should likely be avoided while on the Kaufmann diet, such as soy and soy products (i.e., tofu, tempeh, etc.), peanuts and peanut butter, corn, wheat and foods like seitan (wheat protein) and yeast.
The issue with these foods is that research indicates that they are commonly contaminated with mold toxins that are linked to a variety of health problems. When you eat these foods, you are putting yourself at risk for exposure to these toxins, known as mycotoxins.
If you are not careful, you are at risk for nutritional deficiencies.
Getting enough protein in your diet is easy if you regularly consume meat or eggs. Vegans and vegetarians certainly need to be aware of the amount of protein they get in their diet.
Protein, however, is not the only concerning nutrient. Certain nutrients like vitamin B12, vitamin D3, and omega 3 DHA. Certain amino acids, such as creatine, carnosine, and nutrients like heme-iron are also absent from vegan diets and lower in vegetarians.
These nutrients, of course, can be supplemented with; however, the bioavailability of those nutrients can be an issue when relying on supplements.
In short, is certainly possible to adapt a plant-based lifestyle on the Kaufmann Diet, but extra attention must be paid to ensure one is getting all of the nutrients necessary to sustain vibrant health while avoiding potentially contaminated foods.