Mashed Parsnips

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Parsnips are a sweet, almost floral-tasting vegetable that go well with all kinds of roasted or braised meals. Served alongside a prime rib roast, with a bit of horseradish if desired, they make a perfect substitute for potatoes. Buy more than you think you’ll need to allow for the waste you’ll have from trimming out the fibrous center core, about 1/2 pound per serving.


3 pounds parsnips
¼ pound unsalted butter
½ cup heavy cream (plus more if needed)
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
horseradish, optional, up to 1 teaspoon per serving (Note: It’s best to add this to individual servings so you can tailor it to the individual’s taste. Some people, children in particular, may love parsnips, but not care for the bite of horseradish.)

mashed-parsnips-boiling Peel parsnips and trim off the root end and tip. Slice them vertically into narrow wedges, and trim out the inner core. 
Place parsnips in a large saucepan and cover with cold water. Add a teaspoon of salt and bring to a boil over high heat. When you can easily pierce a parsnip with a fork, remove the pan from the heat and
mashed-parsnips-mashing drain off the water. Return the pan to the stove, turn the heat to low, and add the butter and cream while mashing the vegetables with a potato masher. Continue to mash until
mashed-parsnips-final the butter is melted and the cream is hot and incorporated into the parsnips, adding additional cream if necessary. Season with salt and pepper and serve while hot.


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