Keep It Simple

Know the Cause Legacy Article
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When you hear or read the word “health”, what comes to mind? The connotations are endless. The dictionary defines health as “the state of being free from illness or injury.”

This seems like a very baseline definition of a word that means so many things for different people. For some people, experiencing health, or freedom from illness, is incomplete without a feeling of vitality. Vitality is “the feeling of being strong and active, the feeling of energy.”

But for some people, the word health only conjures images of the opposite end of that spectrum – hospitals, pills, medicine, etc. The modern American healthcare industry, ironically, is centered around taking care of people who aren’t healthy, not around promoting this feeling of vitality.

Vitality is the ideal that most people aspire to, not this “damage control” mentality that American healthcare centers around. To fill the void of support that the healthcare industry has left, many brilliant naturopaths, natural-minded doctors, nutritionists and researchers have taken upon themselves the calling to support people in their quest for vitality. Their research has yielded many amazing discoveries that have parlayed into diet programs, detox regimens, and supplements.

I posted before about the marketing techniques many companies (mostly companies not involved in promoting health and vitality prior to it becoming trendy) are using to sell their wares. These are not the companies I’m talking about now – There are countless companies involved in manufacturing good, solid products that help promote health. Most of these companies are smaller and run the way “family businesses” are run. Yes, they are interested in making a profit, but they aren’t willing to sacrifice the quality of their products for a bottom line.

But to someone new to pursuing this feeling of vitality, this new world can be overwhelming. I remember the first time walking into a health food store – I was overwhelmed, and I worked for Doug! I hadn’t even heard of most of the things on the shelf, much less did I know what they did. Even today, I can’t tell you what many of those bottles of capsules, powders and liquids do. (Thankfully, we have Kyle Drew around!)

I bring this up for this reason; many people who arrive at our site are newcomers. Many arrive out of desperation; you’ve tried all the pills, seen all the doctors and nothing has worked. You’re still in pain or struggling with this or that disease, and all you want is some relief. But after all of that frustration, entering the world of natural health is completely overwhelming. You want some simple, concrete advice that yield palpable results. I believe wholeheartedly that you are in the right place.

Doug has written extensively about the link that many of the doctors you’ve been too have probably overlooked – fungus. Fungus is ubiquitous and pathogenic. This is well-documented information, and Doug has compiled some pretty convincing evidence in all of the books that he’s written. You can check them out by clicking this link.

Though Doug has written volumes of books, and I highly recommend checking them out. But, the advice in all of them is the same, and best of all, it is very simple. Change! Most notably, change your diet. Doug’s Kaufmann 1 diet, recommended for ridding the body of fungi and limiting exposure to mycotoxins (poisons secreted by pathogenic fungi), is this: Lean, organic grass-fed meats free of antibiotics or preservatives, most vegetables, limited fruits (berries, green apples, grapefruit, lemons, limes, avocados) nuts (excluding peanuts and pistachios) and seeds. Excluded without exception are corn, grain, alcohol, potatoes, starch, sugar and antibiotics. Doug recommends excluding all supplements during the first few weeks of changing your diet. Obviously, do all of this under strict supervision of your doctor, and never use this site in lieu of doctor’s recommendations.

Changing is difficult, but the advice is simple. Try it for a month, and see if it doesn’t advance your quest for vitality is amazing ways.


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Doug Kaufmann has written many books that cover a full range or health issues. Find out which of his books best suits you by clicking the button below.

The Kaufmann Diet

Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

The Science of Fungus

We encourage all visitors to this site to take some time and study these technical articles prior to initiating lifestyle changes, including dietary changes and to do so with their physician’s awareness and approval. The articles posted in this link are scientific and with few exceptions are taken from medical journals familiar to healthcare workers.

Our Healthy Recipes

Looking for help assembling antifungal Kaufmann Diet approved recipes for breakfast, lunch or dinner? We have several videos, books and recipe write ups here on Know the Cause that will help your health journey. The recipes in this section are so good, you’ll feel like you’re indulging. No sacrifice needed! Enjoy.