How long and how often should I exercise?

How much cardio should I do? Do I need to do strength training?

Unfortunately, there isn’t one specific answer, because there are so many variables. Think about all them: How old are you? What is your level of fitness? Are you 20 or 60 pounds overweight? Are there some health conditions (chronic fatigue, hypoglycemia, thyroid, arthritis, yeast over-growth, etc.) that could affect your training and results? What is your goal? Are you trying to lose weight? Add some muscle? Are you exercising for competition? Or, are you simple exercising to stay healthy? Do you exercise by yourself or with a friend or group of people? And most importantly, how much time can you dedicate each week?

As you can see, there are several variables that need to be looked at when designing a health and fitness program. A major reason for sticking points and plateaus has a lot to do with following the wrong workout and wrong diet. FYI… It’s easier to train a healthy person than it is to train an unhealthy
(hypoglycemia, thyroid, adrenal fatigue, arthritis, etc) person!

A rule of thumb for most people (not everyone) who are trying to look better, feel better and sleep better is to spend 60-75% of your time doing aerobic training and 25-40% of your time doing some type of strength training. See if that helps., If you need more specific or individualized help, let me know and we can help you figure out what type of fitness routine would be best for you. The last thing you want to do is spend your time, energy and effort on something that isn’t paying you back.

Here is a link to my consultation page if you need any further help, and also my email address if you prefer to contact me that way.

Dr. Len Lopez


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