How I Adjust My Supplement Strategies For Spring

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There’s a principle that Doug talks about called “rotation” of anti-fungals. It means that after you take one anti-fungal for a while, you should change – or rotate – to a different one. This is a principle that athletes have used for a long time in their training. Periodization is the exercise equivalent of rotation.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is an idea that one should change protocols around according to changes of season. Even seasonal eating assumes changes on a regular basis.

It’s nearing Spring, and this is a perfect time to make some changes from the Winter routine. I’ll still stick with Kaufmann 1, but with variations. I may eat more “cleansing” foods, such as greens and seasonal vegetables. Now is the time when plants start sprouting again, and my diet will likely reflect the change.

My supplement routine may also have some changes. For example, I plan to do a spring detox. “Spring cleaning”, if you like. For the liver, I’ll add extra milk thistle, NAC, inositol, and dandelion. For the intestinal system, a cleanse might include extra fiber, L-glutamine, bentonite clay, and even a short round of activated charcoal (always taken away from meals). I may do some specialty homeopathic supplements that will encourage lymphatic movement, coupled with some rebounding exercise. Kidney health is important to help transport toxins out of the system, which is why I may add extra cranberry, uva ursi, or d-mannose to the regimen in rotation.

What I’m focusing on with supplements, diet, and detox strategies is to help encourage the removal of anything that has had a tendency to “store up” during the winter. The systems of elimination and detoxification need attention when this is my goal.




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