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How Fit Can You Get By Walking?

How fit can you get by Walking?
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Walking is what our bodies are designed to do, so it should come as no surprise that when we walk, our bodies benefit. Walking has shown benefits for cardiovascular health, musculoskeletal health, and it is something that most people can do regardless of fitness level. Walking does not require any fancy equipment, just a comfortable pair of shoes. The barrier of entry is simply very low, yet the benefits are profound.

Many people struggle to get into an exercise regimen for a variety of reasons. Often, people cite time constraints, saying there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Other people, particularly if they are quite out of shape, worry that most forms of exercise will be too strenuous, or that they will be unable to perform the exercise properly, resulting in embarrassment or even injury. Sometimes, it can be too intimidating if you do not know how to lift weights or perform certain exercises to even attempt to get into exercising. 

Getting started with the Kaufmann Diet

Regardless, studies continue to come out extolling the benefits of exercise. Simply put, if you do not move your body often, poor health usually ensues. We were designed to move. Exercise has been shown to be beneficial against numerous, chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Exercise’s benefits are confirmed for the prevention of these diseases, but it is also indicated even if you are diagnosed with any of these diseases. 

The interesting thing, is that to get the recommended exercise that is indicated to start getting health benefits, you only need to start with 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise. One of the most studied form of moderate exercise? Walking. 

      • One article in GQ cites the experience of one man losing 43 pounds in 4 months simply by walking 10,000 steps a day––the generally recommended amount––and eating approximately 2000 calories. 
      • Another headline recently read, 10,000 Steps A Day And 2,000 Calories Are All You Need to Be Healthy. 

It simply is no secret that walking is an underutilized tool for health, even if your dietary advice stops short of recommending anything beyond calorie counting. 

So how do you start?

Start with a simple walk around your block. Keep track of your time, and your steps––something you can easily do with most smart phones. Commit to 30 minutes a day, whether it is before work, after work, or right after dinner. 

Better yet, commit to walking 30 minutes every weekday for 4 weeks while simultaneously switching to The Kaufmann diet. It is likely you will notice profound changes in your health immediately. 

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