5 Easy Habits For The Kaufmann Lifestyle

Easy Habits For Kaufmann Lifestyle
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Making big, sweeping lifestyle changes is among the most difficult things that a person can attempt; it is no surprise that most people who try will often fall short of achieving these goals. Here are 5 easy habits that you can learn to help with your Kaufmann Lifestyle journey.

Certainly, there is a case to be made for making a dramatic dietary change to The Kaufmann Diet, particularly if you are experiencing serious health problems. With your doctor’s permission, switching to The Kaufmann Diet and Anti-fungal Plan could make a dramatic difference in your overall health. 

For many, however, who are simply seeking to improve their health, making smaller, more incremental changes that work towards adhering to The Kaufmann Diet might be easier and help facilitate better long-term results than attempting a huge, dramatic change in diet and lifestyle all at once. Good habits take time to cultivate, and changing one thing at a time is obviously much easier than changing everything. 

So if you are one of those people, here are five simple habits that will help get you closer to living The Kaufmann Lifestyle. 

1. Eat Two Vegetables, and One Kaufmann Diet-Approved Fruit Per Day. 

Adding some fruits and vegetables into your diet is one easy way to begin eating healthier. The Kaufmann Diet includes lots of vegetables and certain fruits––all of which are packed with vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber. Getting these foods into your diet is a quick, easy way to boost your nutrition. Simply by committing to add these foods to your meals every day, you will leave less room for unhealthy fare. 

2. Start A Sensible Supplement Regimen

For The Kaufmann Diet, this likely includes a good probiotic, and rotating anti-fungal, and perhaps a good, broad-spectrum multivitamin. Considering how easy it is to swallow some supplements every morning, this constitutes more of a financial commitment than anything. However, it is best to consider supplements like a sort of insurance policy––you are simply ensuring that your body gets the things it needs in order to work optimally, even if your diet isn’t always on point. Swallowing some supplements every morning is an easy commitment to make and one that will likely pay dividends in the long run. (Always consult your physician before starting a new supplement.)

3. Don’t Eat Corn Or Wheat Or Things Made With Them

The Kaufmann Diet eliminates corn and wheat, because these foods are often contaminated with fungal poisons known as mycotoxins. Simply choosing not to eat these foods on a regular basis is an easy choice that will soon turn into a habit and gets you a long way to eating within the parameters of The Kaufmann Diet. This will require reading labels, because so many foods include wheat and corn. 

4. Commit to 8 Hours Of Sleep Every Night

It is true that many of us a live a hectic lifestyle, so much so that finding time to get proper rest every night can seem difficult. However, if we are being honest, how much of that time that we should be sleeping is spent staring at a screen before bed––a practice that is known to prevent us from getting optimal sleep? Commit to unplugging each night, leaving plenty of time to get a proper night’s sleep; your body will certainly thank you. 

5. Exercise 150 Minutes Each Week

Research has shown the 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, is what is necessary to glean the health-promoting and longevity benefits of exercise. That equals 30 minutes 5 times per week. Certainly, we can all find 30 minutes in our day to walk, jog, lift weights or some other exercise. The benefits to be gleaned are simply too valuable to not commit to regular exercise. 

Turn these suggestions into healthy habits for your journey to great health!

Related Article:

Basic Kaufmann Diet Supplement Regimen

The Kaufmann Diet vs. The Kaufmann Lifestyle

The Kaufmann Lifestyle: Getting Healthy Sleep

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Doug Kaufmann developed his diet after years studying the clinical effects of pathogenic fungi on the body. Fungi and yeasts can become parasitic organisms on and inside our body, causing health problems that can be difficult to diagnose. Learn more about the Kaufmann Diet, change your life and know the cause.

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