Feeling Gassy Or Bloated May Be A Sign Of Yeasts.
If you have ever experienced bloating and gassiness, you know what an uncomfortable feeling that can be. But for many people, feeling bloated and gassy can be a constant annoyance.
Though it may be seemingly obvious, often times it can be difficult for people to draw the connection between what they eat and how they feel, but we know that diet is one of most important factors when it comes to our health and how we feel on a regular basis. But that connection between what we eat and how we feel may be deeper than many might assume.
The original title of The Fungus Link to Weight Loss––Doug Kaufmann’s book detailing the link between weight gain, fungi and their poisons––was, What Makes Bread Rise? The original title of this book might provide some insight into what might be behind your feelings of being bloated.
As yeast ferment, they can release gas; if your gut is overgrown with yeast, and if those yeast are getting a steady supply of sugar, it is possible they are making you “rise” the same way that yeasts make bread rise. These yeasts can overgrow in the gut when our natural, beneficial bacterial colonies are damaged and they get a steady supply of sugar and simple carbohydrates.
While bloat and gas might be an annoyance, there is some evidence that these yeasts can go on to cause more serious health problems; so, on the chance that yeasts are causing your bloating, it might be beneficial to both try and eliminate them and subsequently determine if they were the cause of your problem to begin with. So if you want to cut the bloat––and address what might turn into an even greater problem down the line––start by cutting out sugar and carbohydrates. Stop eating breads, pasta, potatoes, and sweet treats. This is part of the foundation for The Kaufmann Diet, which is a diet designed to starve yeasts and fungi. The Kaufmann Diet is a good place to start if you are feeling constantly bloated.
As you start the diet, it is important to add in some strategic supplements, including a rotating anti-fungal supplement. These supplements include things like oregano oil, D-limonene, or caprylic acid. Simultaneously, it is important to replace the good bacteria in the gut with healthy probiotics. These will assist in keeping yeasts at bay while also supporting the gut and overall health.
Likely, after a period of time on the diet, you will notice that bloating and gassiness dissipate, and you might notice that other symptoms you frequently experience subside as well. This might be a sign that yeasts were at the root of your problems the whole time.