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Easy Ways To Add Anti-Fungals To Your Diet

Antifungals To Diet
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Powerful anti-fungals do not just come in supplement form; there are some easy ways to add anti-fungal punch to your diet. When most people think of anti-fungals, they think of supplements, pills, or something that comes from a bottle. However, the anti-fungal properties of The Kaufmann Anti-fungal program need not exclusively come in supplement form. While supplements can be a powerful addition to your anti-fungal arsenal, it turns out the age-old wisdom first espoused by the father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, when he said, “Let food be your medicine, and medicine your food,” holds true today like it did thousands of years ago. 

Food is full of anti-fungal nutrition when you know where to look. In fact, most plant foods exhibit some anti-fungal defense, or else they would not survive very long. Some foods––particularly, some nutrients in foods––exhibit potent anti-fungal power. Fortunately, these are common foods you likely already have on hand. 

Eat your Carrots 

Carrots are rich in beta carotene and other nutrients, but one stands out as particularly potent for those looking to fight fungus––falcarinol. You can concentrate the anti-fungal effects of carrots by juicing them. 

Fresh Garlic, On Everything 

Garlic is one of the most potent, anti-fungal foods. It is cheap, readily available, and fortunately for us, it makes food taste great. Add freshly minced garlic into any recipe you like, or make homemade salad dressing with freshly minced garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, some lemon juice, salt and pepper. Adding garlic to your diet liberally, and you’ll not just be getting the potent anti-fungal effects, but all of the other added health benefits too. 

Grind Up Some Cinnamon, Cloves, or Both

Cloves and cinnamon constitute two foods with some of the highest anti-fungal activity––extracts of these foods even perform better than certain medicines when it comes to fungicidal activity. Pre-ground varieties are fine, but look for buying these spices in bulk and grinding them fresh yourself. 

Add In Some Oregano 

Oregano is a powerful anti-fungal food, and it pairs well with many different types of cuisine. Dried oregano is just fine, but try buying it fresh and adding it liberally to salads or other vegetable dishes. 

Use A Liberal Amount of Coconut Oil

Cold-pressed virgin coconut oil is high in anti-fungal compounds that that annihilate yeast and fungi. Coconut oil is great to cook with because it handles high heat cooking with ease and lends a subtle flavor to the food you cook it in. 

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