Do I Have A Yeast Problem?


Many people assume that problems with yeast are typically relegated to things like thrush in babies or yeast infections in women. Yeast, however, is an insidious organism and can cause an array of health problems, in both men and women of all ages. Problems with yeast are typically hard to diagnose. This is in part because most doctors do not believe that yeast can cause problems outside of superficial, annoying problems. Despite this, there are many physicians and researchers who have published that yeast can––and does––regularly cause serious health problems in people. Do you have a yeast problem?

We all have yeast in our bodies naturally; typically these are kept in check by beneficial bacteria and our immune system. However, when either of those things become compromised, yeast can flourish and cause health problems. We can compromise the beneficial bacteria in our systems by taking antibiotics, or through poor diet, stress, drinking alcohol or smoking. (This is one reason why regularly taking a quality probiotic is important.)

The Fungus Link Vol 1Another way we compromise our immune system is by regularly eating foods containing mycotoxins, which are fungal poisons found in parts of our food supply. Some of these foods include grains, corn, peanuts, soy, and any foods produced with these ingredients. Many of these poisons are immune-system suppressors. With our immune system compromised, yeast can flourish in the body. Knowing these risk factors, many of us are at risk for having yeast overgrowth in the body. Symptoms of a yeast problem may include digestive problems, brain fog, weight gain, malaise or lethargy, or a number of other symptoms that have been linked to yeast. Typically, though, the hallmark of a yeast problem is that your doctor cannot find anything wrong with you, even when you are experiencing symptoms. “Cause unknown” should always be a red flag for yeast or fungal problems.

One of the best ways to find out if you have yeast problem is to try an anti-fungal program for 4-6 weeks, such as Kaufmann 1 of The Kaufmann Diet. On this program, you will be eliminating or reducing foods that contribute to yeast problems and including a variety of nutritious foods that assist in starving and/or killing yeast cells. You will also be including a variety of anti-fungal supplements that will assist in eliminating any yeast within the body. (Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet or adding any nutritional supplements into your diet.)

If, after a period of 4-6 weeks on the program you find that you feel much better, you may have discovered that yeast and fungi lay at the root of your health problems all along.


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8 Foods That Kill Yeast


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