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No, not CAT scan, rather cat-scam. Ignorance can be both blissful and profitable.

Within the past 6 months, I feel like I was “cat scammed” for almost $1,000 by three very nice doctors of veterinary medicine, each of who diagnosed our dying cat with a condition called “hyperthyroid.” One was a traditional veterinarian, one an emergency room veterinarian, and one was a holistic veterinarian. Says,” Cat hyperthyroidism is a commonly diagnosed endocrine pathology in older cats. It is caused by a tumor that produces too much feline thyroid hormone. The disease is usually fatal if left untreated.” OK, we didn’t want Max to die, so his thyroid problem must be treated. Right?

I believe that over 50% of what injuries mammals is linked to an incorrect diet,so logically we asked these 3 doctors if Max’s vomiting, ravenous appetite, dramatic weight loss and diarrhea could be linked with his diet. All three looked at us like we had fallen off a turnip truck. The diagnosis is hyperthyroid, not a food disorder, they said.

But couldn’t, say … poison in his food supply be causing his thyroid problem?

Whether human or animal doctors, most say “no” to dietary involvement in disease processes. I believe they are wrong. Yes, pet foods can have mycotoxins in them and his problems began when we changed his canned food diet. Why not try a changed diet?

When a “common diagnosis” of hyperthyroid is made in an aging cat, only 3 options exist according to those “in the know” in veterinary medicine. Those three are radioactive iodine wherein iodine #131 is literally injected into Max. So many questions arise that seem so logical to us (does cleaning his litter box expose us to radiation?), not the least of which, “could this further injure or kill Max?” The #2 option is surgery.

We’re not spending another $5,000 to have experimental surgery done on a 9 years old cat, but again we wonder, “might surgery further injure or kill Max?” Finally, a drug called “Methimazole” could be dispensed, should we elect this option. Oh, this drug is also used in human hyperthyroid cases. Thus far, in the past 6 months, it has caused serious enough side effects to be reported in 2.501 people and it has killed 40 of them. All these good veterinarians told us was that if we chose to do nothing, we would have to say “goodbye” to Max. So we did what they said wouldn’t work.

We dramatically assigned Max and his much older, arthritic friend “Bubba” to a diet of freshly cooked turkey, pumpkin and other such foods (The Kaufmann 1 Cat Diet-lol). Today, Max runs through the house symptom-free and has gained back his weight and he has the most beautiful coat and temperament we have ever seen. All systems work correctly. Bubba’s arthritis is gone and he, too, runs through the house like a 22-year-old kitten! Although each veterinarian we visited met this simple and free approach with pessimism, the results have been exciting and dramatic.

Max might really have a hyperthyroid condition, but you’d never know it today. If your pet is having health problems, by all means, get to a veterinarian and perhaps they can help. But perhaps after spending hundreds or thousands of dollars, they aren’t helpful. In those cases you aren’t limited to just the 3 treatment options your veterinarian will undoubtedly recommend. I now know that there are at least 4! If you are new at this, please work with a veterinarian who understands the role of diet in your cat’s health.

Kaufmann Diet Guide

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