I have a sweet tooth. My wife doesn’t, and I envy her. I don’t drink, smoke, or have any other particular vice I struggle with. And I’ve consumed less and less sweet stuff over the years. But if I’m stressed, the default desire is to find something – almost anything – sweet.
I do total water fasts once in a while, as well as experiment with intermittent fasting. I’ve discovered that when I do a water fast if given enough time, the craving for sugar slowly disappears, and it remains absent for some time after the fast – usually until I indulge in a sweet treat.
Researchers who study the effects of fasting say that the first three days of a total fast rids the body of stored sugar, called glycogen, after which time the body draws energy from your fat stores.
A Fungus Link To Sugar Cravings?
It’s usually during that time that the tongue can be coated with a white layer of yeast. The sugar, and the critters that ravenously consume it, both go away with a fury that’s miserable. Headaches, brain fog, lethargy, flu-like symptoms. Ketogenic and fasting people call it the “Keto Flu”. Kaufmann people call it a “Herxheimer Reaction”, which is the awful feelings you experience when massive amounts of yeast and fungi are being starved and killed en masse.
Following the Herxheimer die-off, you feel incredible. Energy is restored, clear-headedness returns, and it feels like the clouds have parted. It takes longer for some people to get to the “incredible” stage than others, and it’s possibly due to the volume of fungi that is dying over time.
What does this have to do with sugar cravings? Plenty.
Sugar is fungi’s preferred food. When fungi set up shop in our body, they have a unique mechanism whereby they can release chemicals that literally give us the desire to eat what they want! This means sugar, grainy carbs, peanuts, and other foods that help them survive and thrive in our bodies.
This means that your cravings – even your food addictions – may not originate with you. They may be coming from an onboard microorganism that has a lot of demands.
The goals of the Kaufmann Diet are:
• To starve and destroy disease-causing fungi.
• To reduce or eliminate mycotoxin (fungal poison) exposure.
• To limit things that may contribute to fungal overgrowth.
• To nourish the body, thus allowing the body to have a fighting chance of healing itself. (The diet isn’t curative; the body can heal itself under the right conditions.)
It is my personal belief that if you have sugar cravings, then you likely have fungal overgrowth. And if you do, you’ve come to the right place! It’s what we specialize in.
All of Doug Kaufmann’s books, TV shows, podcasts, social media posts,Facebook Live shows, blog articles, medical journal articles, and live seminars all revolve around the Fungus Link to health issues.
If your issue is sugar addiction, the Kaufmann “universe” is the place I’d spend some time. (It’s also where I’d be if I had virtually any health issue, but I’m biased.)
Share with your physician that you’d like to give the Kaufmann Lifestyle a try. He or she will likely balk, but suggest that it “won’t hurt you”.
In my own case, the sugar cravings tend to be almost imperceptible when I’m following the Kaufmann Lifestyle, eating the diet, taking antifungal supplements, and generally being smart about exercise, sleep, and stress. Sure, there are times we all indulge. But afterward’s, it’s time to fight back hard against the fungi that would love to release chemicals to get us craving their preferred food. Don’t give them that chance!
[PS – I’ll be posting my own experience with water fasting soon, which I consider being the ultimate in Kaufmann fungal starvation and a strategy that has a litany of potential benefits. Keep checking back for that.]