A Guide To Better Gut Health

A Guide to better Gut Health
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Simple Strategies Can Make An Enormous Difference In Your Gut Health

We have talked about why maintaining good gut health is important, particularly if you want to be successful on The Kaufmann Diet, and which foods you should never eat when trying to promote gut health. But in the interest of really promoting our health, supporting the gut deserves it’s own specific set of strategies. 

Fortunately, a good gut health strategy fits right in with The Kaufmann Diet and Lifestyle. A lot of what you are already doing on the Kaufmann Diet will be supporting the health of the gut. By eliminating foods that feed yeast and eliminating foods that are potentially contaminated with mycotoxins, you are taking significant strides to improve gut health. However, there are some strategies above and beyond that you can employ that will likely provide significant benefit to your health.  

Supplement With Probioitcs

Doug Kaufmann has been recommending probiotic supplementation for years as part of a comprehensive anti-fungal strategy. Simply, probiotics are necessary to help recolonize the terrain of the gut that may have been damaged, which may have allowed pathogenic yeasts and fungi to gain a stronghold therein. In tandem with killing yeast via the diet and anti-fungal supplementation, probiotics help prevent yeasts from flourishing again in the gut in addition to all the other benefits they provide. 

Eat Prebiotic Foods

Prebiotic foods are foods rich in fiber and other nutrients that support the health of probiotic bacteria. These help support the bacteria already living in the gut and include foods like onions, garlic, asparagus, leeks, green apples, flax seeds, jicama and seaweed.  

Eat Probioitc Foods

Probiotic foods are foods that contain the beneficial bacteria that live in the gut. These foods are great to add into your diet but do not necessarily replace the potency of probiotic supplementation. Probiotic foods include foods like sauerkraut and plain yogurt with live active cultures. Avoid any varieties with added sugar. 

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Things like stress, smoking and inactivity can negatively impact the terrain of the gut. Incorporate things like a sensible exercise regimen (consult with your physician before beginning) and stress management in your life. Smoking and alcohol should be avoided as well. 

Antibiotics Are Last Line Of Defense

Antibiotics save lives and can be very useful in certain situations. You should always listen to your doctor if he or she says you need to take them. That said, it is best to use them only when absolutely necessary, and when they are necessary, follow them up with a healthy diet and extra probiotic supplementation. This will hopefully mitigate any damage these pills might inflict on the gut flora. 

Related Articles:

The 6 Worst Foods for Gut Health

How To Repair Your Gut

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