A Basic Kaufmann Diet Supplement Regimen

Basic Kaufmann Diet Supplement Regimen

Nutritional supplements often have a bad reputation as being unnecessary or ineffective, but when used correctly, nothing could be further from the truth. Lets look into a basic Kaufmann Diet Supplement Regimen.

It is important to remember that supplements work best when used alongside other healthy lifestyle choices; in other words, if you do not have a good diet, taking supplements will likely be largely ineffectual. Supplements are not prescriptions, and most of the time they are not potent enough to override your body’s chemistry the way drugs are designed to do. Supplements instead should be used for their ability to support your body’s mechanisms and chemistry. 

To that end, The Kaufmann Diet is an important place to start when trying to improve your health. Without changing your diet, it is unlikely that any additional supplements––whether they are anti-fungal supplements or otherwise––will be effective in improving your health. In fact, when you are beginning the diet, it is advised that you discontinue all supplements, except for anti-fungal supplements, unless otherwise directed by your doctor. 

Following that initial period, there is a simple supplement regimen that might be a good place to start. It is important to remember that you should always get your physicians permission to start or stop supplements; these can interact with drugs and/or pose concerns for people with certain conditions, so talk to your doctor. If you have additional health concerns or specific problems you are trying to target with supplements, you can add those in with your physicians permission, but it might be a good idea to start with keeping it simple. 


Probiotics support the beneficial bacteria in the gut that play many important roles in health. Particularly for those on The Kaufmann Diet, it is important to supplement with probiotics to prevent yeast overgrowth in the gut. Read more about Probiotics at Know the Cause.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids 

These healthy fats are largely lacking from the diet, and evidence shows that supplementing with omega 3 fats confers numerous health benefits, including benefits for the heart, the brain, mental health, reduced inflammation and many more benefits. 

A Comprehensive Multivitamin 

A good multivitamin is an insurance policy; a good multivitamin ensures that your body receives the nutrition it needs to optimally function even when you do not get the best nutrition from your diet. Vitamins are not a replacement for diet, but can work to fill in the nutritional gaps when we can’t eat perfectly 100% of the time. Read more about Multivitamins and the Kaufmann Diet

A Rotating Anti-fungal 

You can start by adding something like olive leaf extract to your regimen, then move on to oregano oil, then something like caprylic acid. These supplements are important for adding extra anti-fungal punch to the anti-fungal diet. More on rotating anti-fungals can be read here

Related Articles:

How to Rotate Anti-Fungal Supplements

A Simple Supplement Protocol

Top 7 Anti-inflammatory Supplements

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