Transitioning To The Kaufmann Two Diet

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If you have spent any amount of time strictly following the Kaufmann One Diet, you are likely enjoying feeling your best; for many people, that may have been an elusive feeling for many years! Often, after a period of time on the diet, many people experience the resolution of health problems which might have plagued them even for decades. 

Since many people feel better than they ever have, often people will opt to stick to the Kaufmann One Diet. After all, why not, if you are feeling great? 

Some people, however, will want to try to reintroduce certain foods into their diet, even if only to add a little variety. For these people, The Kaufmann Two Diet exits. 

The Kaufmann Two Diet allows for more healthy foods to be included in your diet; these are foods which may not be ideal for The Kaufmann One Diet, but are typically well tolerated after some time on the more restrictive version of the diet. These include foods like legumes (beans), oats, and a wider variety of fruits. 

While these should be enjoyed in moderation and introduced slowly into your diet, being able to enjoy these kinds of foods gives your diet more variety and greater access to a broader palette of nutrition. 

It is important to remember that some foods should never be reintroduced into your diet while you are on either version of The Kaufmann Diet. For example, peanuts, in spite of being legumes, should continue to be avoided due to their propensity for mycotoxin contamination. 

When To Switch

There is no set amount of time someone should spend on The Kaufmann One Diet, but it is generally recommended to stick with this restrictive version for between 4-6 weeks. Some people might need to go longer to experience results. However, if you have spent at least this amount of time or more on The Kaufmann One Diet the biggest question you should ask yourself is, have the health problems that preceded starting the diet resolved? If the answer is yes––if problems like brain fog, malaise, skin problems, or gut problems have resolved––then it may be time to switch to a less restrictive diet. 

If you are still experiencing health problems, or if you are losing weight but not at your goal weight yet, it may be best to spend more time on the more restrictive version of the diet. 

When you do switch to the Kaufmann Two Diet, if at any time old symptoms that had resolved start re-emerging, it is best to switch back to Kaufmann One. This is why introducing more foods slowly––and gauging how your body responds––is so important. You may learn that certain foods trigger certain symptoms, and those are foods you should continue to avoid. 

Related Recipes and Articles

The Differences Between Kaufmann One and Two

Easing Into the Kaufmann Diet


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Getting started with the Kaufmann Diet

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