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Why You Should Be Careful Buying Meat

Buying the right Meat
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Buying meat can be a healthy part of the diet, but not all meat is created equal.

Buying meat and eating meat has developed a mixed reputation in the health community; some people choose to forgo meat altogether, others choose to enjoy it in moderation, others in abundance. There have been links of overconsumption of meat to cases of cancer, but many researchers speculate that these results are inconclusive, or have to do more with that is in the meat or how it is prepared as opposed to the meat, itself. 

The Kaufmann Diet includes a variety of lean meats, poultry, fish and other seafood in the diet, because these foods generally meet the requirements to be included in The Kaufmann Diet. They are lacking in sugar and carbohydrates, making them ideal for a diet designed to starve pathogenic yeasts and fungi. Furthermore, more often than not, when eating grass-fed, grass-finished meats, they are unlikely to be contaminated with dangerous fungal byproducts known as mycotoxins. (Conversely, there is evidence that these fungal poisons regularly contaminate other parts of our food supply, such as sugar, grains, corn, soy and peanuts.)

While meat is allowed on The Kaufmann Diet, not all meat is created equal, and there are some things to be aware of when shopping for products to include in your diet. 

Should You Buy Organic?

In short, yes, buying organic is ideal when shopping for beef, chicken, pork or other sources of meat. The reason for this is that organic animal farmers are not allowed to use hormones or antibiotics when raising these animals. Antibiotics, of course, are mycotoxins, and there is some evidence that these drugs can contaminate the fat of animals who are regularly fed them. This can constitute another exposure to mycotoxins. Hormones too are known to influence fungal growth, so avoidance is best when possible. 

Grass Fed is Best

Any sort of cow, lamb, buffalo or other ruminants are designed to consume grass. This is their ideal diet and facilitates healthy animals. When shopping for these products, it is best to find grass-fed, grass-fished products. Many stores carry these types of products, but it can be beneficial to find independent farmers who sells these types of products too. The fat content will be healthier (higher omega 3 percentage), and the meat itself will contain a greater amount of nutrients. Often, conventionally raised animals are fed diet rich in mycotoxin-contaminated grains, which can subsequently contaminate the fat of these animals. Grass-fed/finished is simply the best option. 

What To Know About Buying Fish and Seafood

Farm-raised seafood is often fed a grain diet and given antibiotics. The meat these animals yield is lower in healthy fats than wild-caught fish and seafood. It is best to look for wild-caught varieties of fish, ideally from sustainable fishing operations. These varieties of fish are the richest in nutrients and healthy fats. 

Avoid Breaded Meats, Most Cured Meats and Deli Meats

These often contain products like sugar, grain and may contain preservatives you with to avoid.  Avoid heavily processed meats, as well. Opt for fresh, lean cuts that meet the above requirements. 

Related articles on Know the Cause:


Is It the Meat, Or What’s In the Meat?

Healthy Meats on Kaufmann 1

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