Why Cinnamon Is Awesome

Michael Smith Blog - Know The Cause
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Spices have a special place in the Kaufmann 1 & 2 protocols. Ancient wisdom, it seems, prevails when it comes these foods – mankind has used them for generations to promote health, and modern scientific research continues to prove that they should undoubtedly be included in our diets. Spices embody the idea of foods being medicine. 


While it is virtually impossible to “overdose” on a spice, the medicinal effects that you can experience are truly amazing.

Cinnamon, in particular, enjoys special notoriety among the spices. That same spice that lends its name to certain types of rolls and breads your grandmother used to make is actually a powerful addition to your supplement cabinet. Obviously, consuming cinnamon as an addition to sugar and grain-laden fare will null most of its health promulgating effects. So, you are not allowed to use this blog as an excuse to eat a cinnamon roll!


Cinnamon has been around for quite some time; the bible even mentions cinnamon. Cinnamon is indigenous to Sri Lanka, but cultivation has since spread to other parts of the world, including India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Brazil and the Caribbean. Since it’s discovery it has been used as a medicine, and was even used as a preservative for meat; the essential oils in cinnamon we so strong that they prevented the bacteria that caused spoilage from culturing on the meat. Beats the heck out of the more modern chemical preservatives that we have!

Cinnamon has a number of health benefits. In clinical studies, cinnamon has been shown to help Type II diabetics control their blood sugar and lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Cinnamon has anti-clotting qualities, which makes it very beneficial for your cardiovascular system in defense against stroke and coronary artery disease. 


The anti-microbial effects of cinnamon can’t be overlooked, either. Just the addition of a few drops of cinnamon oil has exhibited the ability to prevent food-borne pathogens from culturing even in refrigerated food when tested against non-“cinnamonized” food. 


And perhaps most importantly, cinnamon is a powerful anti-fungal. Cinnamon has been shown to be just as effective against combatting Candida in some studies as fluconazole. People familiar with Know the Cause know that fluconazole is a powerful, prescriptive anti-fungal drug. Knowing this, it is interesting how effectual it is against diabetes and heart problems, as well… I seem to remember someone writing a book linking diabetes and cardiovascular issues to fungus.  Cinnamon seems like a good anti-fungal to try before resorting to more synthetic options; you certainly save yourself the worry about the potential side effects. 


Obviously, cinnamon isn’t a cure-all. But isn’t it interesting how something, safe, natural (and  delicious!) is also a powerful medicine. In tandem with a Kaufmann 1 diet, cinnamon is another potent tool to add to your supplement or spice cabinet. 

North American Herb and spice sells a cinnamon extract that I think is excellent.  If you know of any other purveyors who have good cinnamon products, leave suggestions in the comments section!

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