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Two Reasons To Avoid Alcohol

Two Reasons To Avoid Alcohol
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Everybody knows that too much alcohol is harmful to both your physical and your mental health. Drinking in moderation, however, is acceptable and even recommended by some as being beneficial for health. One drink per day for women and two for men remains the recommended limit when it comes to alcohol consumption, and proponents say that this sort of moderate drinking might bring with it some benefits, particularly if you drink red wine, which is rich in antioxidants. 

There are conflicting studies on this, however, some of which suggest that drinking any alcohol whatsoever has negative effects for brain health and might raise the risk of cancer. 

While the jury might still be out as to whether drinking alcohol is beneficial on the whole (or the opposite), The Kaufmann Diet chooses to eliminate alcohol entirely. This is because The Kaufmann Diet purposefully eliminates mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are poisonous byproducts of fungi and yeasts. These include some of the most poisonous substances on earth, such as aflatoxin. “Myco” means fungus, and “toxin” is obviously a poison. 

So, the first reason you should avoid alcohol is because it is a mycotoxin. Alcohol is the product of sugar fermented by brewer’s yeast, which is a type of fungus. Too much alcohol can kill you. So, alcohol fits the definition of a mycotoxin. 

The second reason you should avoid alcohol is because of the ingredients used to make alcohol. Notwithstanding the yeast used to ferment alcohol––something you should be avoiding anyway on an anti-fungal diet––many of the grains, sugar, fruits and other ingredients used in the making of alcohol can be contaminated with fungus, and thus, mycotoxins. 

Alcoholic beverages like beer are made with grains like wheat and barley; whiskeys and bourbons often use corn or rye; vodkas use potatoes; rums use sugar. By and large, any alcohol is going to be made with ingredients that are at risk for mycotoxin contamination. 

If you want to introduce an abundance of antioxidants into your diet, you can skip with wine and include foods like  blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. 

Alcohol is not necessary for good health, and even by mainstream accounts, it might be harmful in any amount. This is before you take into account the fungus link to health problems. The Kaufmann Diet maintains that it is best to abstain from alcohol altogether. 

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