What’s In Your Water?

What's In Your Water
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The Kaufmann Diet is restricted in terms of the beverages it recommends; the bulk of what you drink should be water; but whats in your water? Water is second only to oxygen in terms of human necessities. We can go weeks without food, but only a few days without rehydrating. 

Many people avoid water at all costs, opting for anything from soda, to sports drinks, even tea or coffee. Getting the bulk of your hydration simply from water, however, is one of the best things you can do for your health. You will avoid all the sugar, additives, food colorings, and other chemicals that are in the soft drinks that are so commonly consumed, and while tea has some health benefits, there is evidence that it is commonly contaminated with mycotoxins and should be avoided. Even coffee––something which many feel they simply can’t live without––is eliminated on The Kaufmann One Diet. (Coffee is derived from coffee beans––legumes––which are relegated to Kaufmann Two in moderation, so you don’t need to worry about forgoing coffee forever.) 

All water, however, is not created equally. 

We are blessed in developed countries to have a relatively clean supply of water consistently piped into our homes. So, in that sense, we are certainly lucky compared to less developed parts of the world. But in spite of our advanced infrastructure, there is evidence that our water is not always as clean as we are led to believe. 

The water in our homes is often contaminated with chemicals and industrial pollutants; even some medicines have been found to contaminate our water supply. 

Unfortunately, bottled water is often not much better; the plastic used in the bottles themselves often leaches chemicals into the water that we should wish to avoid. Some of these chemicals are hormone disruptors––similar to the mycotoxins that contaminate many of the foods the Kaufmann Diet eliminates––and have been linked to diseases like cancer. 

So, if we are relying on water as our soul beverage, it would be a shame if we were inadvertently making our quest for good health more difficult. Consider investing in at-home filtration devices. Ideally, a whole-home reverse osmosis machine is ideal, but these are not always affordable. Any filtration is better than none, however, and will ultimately be worth the expense. And consider investing in a high-quality, reusable water bottle. These can be made of stainless steel or other materials that won’t leach toxic chemicals into your water. You will do both the planet and yourself a favor by carrying your own water in this way. 

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