In 2013, the website, wrote this headline: Fungus May Cause Symptoms Of Parkinson’s Disease (1). Carefully dissect that headline. Look at the words, “may,” and “symptoms of.” We will discuss these as we progress. Let’s be frank about the way medicine is “practiced” in America today. Knowing The Cause and fixing what ails patients simply isn’t profitable. Drugging patients has become a $3 trillion dollar, (and growing), business in America, alone. It is working extremely well for corporate shareholders, but not for sick people. Take Parkinson’s Disease, (PD), for example. There are over 1,000,000 PD patients living in America, and each year another 60,000 are diagnosed.
What Could Cause The Primary Symptoms in Parkinson’s?
Doctors diagnose Parkinson’s Disease based on the symptoms of tremors: Slowed movement, impaired posture and balance, changes of speech and writing and muscles rigidity. But you and I know PD by the tremors. So let’s start there.
What causes these uncontrolled and unintentional movements? Save yourself the time in looking up “the cause” of tremors, unless you just want to read, “We don’t know” 500 times.
Truthfully, anyone knowledgeable in this area will tell you that tremors are caused by tremorgens. According to the, tremorgens are a “group of toxins produced by fungi, e.g. Penicillium spp,. which causes serious muscle tremor”.
Really? Penicillium is a mold, and the mycotoxin (poison) it produces is called “penicillin.” I’ve never thought that taking a tiny bit of it, when a sore throat or earache happened was enough to cause a serious problems, even though it is poison (it poisons tiny bacteria in tiny doses).
So….What Do You Think Actually Causes Parkinson’s?
Now, go back to the headline again, because I do believe that larger or prolonged doses of Penicillium-derived antibiotics could definitely cause Parkinson’s and a host of other neurological diseases. I’m not talking about the “symptoms” of PD, as they do, however, and I make my assertion on solid scientific grounds. You see, our scientists first learned that Penicillium caused nerve toxicity, as seen in PD, in 1945 (2)!
I don’t believe that the damage done by antibiotics is instantaneous. If it were, we’d have proven 50 years ago that antibiotics caused PD. By reducing our immune-enhancing “good guy” gut bacteria, you might imagine how antibiotics could favorably impact neurotoxic diseases even decades later.
If that weren’t enough evidence to implicate long-term antibiotic use in PD, consider this. In 2011, the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology published an article on the neurotoxic effects associated with antibiotic use (3).
Their conclusion begs more questions than I have time to ponder in this article, but you will likely understand as you read this: “Neurotoxicity is common among many groups of antibiotics in at-risk patients and can range from ototoxicity, neuropathy and neuromuscular blockade to confusion, non-specific encephalopathy, seizures, and status epilepticus.
Populations at risk of neurotoxicity associated with various groups of antibiotics include those with extremes of age, critical illness, renal dysfunction and prior neurological disease.”
Really? Does that say that many groups of antibiotics can commonly cause epilepsy, confusion, neuropathy, seizures and block normal synaptic nerve transmission in muscles? And all pregnant women get antibiotics … why? Rarely are we told that antibiotics themselves may contribute to the “populations at risk” causing critical illness, renal dysfunction and prior neurological disease.” About the only things antibiotics can’t do is add to your chronological age!
Antibiotics are neurotoxic poisons and as such I believe the opening headline is only 3 words away from presenting the truth. By removing the strategically placed words like “may” and “symptoms of”, you finally discover that Fungus Causes Parkinson’s Disease.
Antibiotics are not the only fungus that I believe play an integral role in PD and other neurological diseases. As we will discuss later this week, brewer’s yeast is a fungus and the poison it makes is called “alcohol.” Because booze, like antibiotics, is a neurotoxic poison, I’m certain that it, too, plays a significant role in Parkinson’s Disease.
Research and References:
2. Patient Care
3. British Pharmacological Society
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