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The Cause of Obesity overlooked

Obesity Overlooked
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Am I responsible for my weight?

Obesity, according to a new article (1) “is a chronic, treatable disease. We should treat obesity as we treat any other chronic disease, with effective and safe approaches that target underlying disease mechanisms.” The article was headlined that obesity is not the patient’s fault.  Whose fault is it then?

In reality, “treating” may be the very reason we are in this obesity epidemic!  Many articles have taught that antibiotics lead to weight gain.  That is exactly what they are used for in the cattle industry.  They are called “growth promoters.”  So why should we doubt that they would also promote growth in we humans?  In fact, they do.

A new weekly shot recommended for type 2 diabetes patients called tirepatide, is successfully helping people lose weight.  Once again, the medical marketing of this new drug begins with the adage that obesity is not your fault. I couldn’t agree more.  It’s their fault and your weight problems likely started when you were an infant!  But don’t worry, because more drugs might help you lose the weight.

If antibiotics caused your weight problems, fixing the yeast overgrowth within the gut might be a great place to start!  Probiotics can help with this. Next, try to absorb these antibiotic residues in the gut. Psyllium fiber can help with this.  Finally, if you suffer from a gut yeast condition causing you to bloat and gain weight, you must starve the yeast, because it thrives on carbohydrates like cereal, pasta, bread, alcohol, and other foods.  This never fixes the problem unless you are really dedicated.  In some cases, a near ketogenic diet along with the psyllium and probiotics over a 3-6-month period, along with exercise may have you looking and feeling better than you have in decades!  Why do we need drugs to fix drug induced health conditions?  Hope this helps!


Research and References

Medscape: ‘Not Their Fault’: Obesity Warrants Long-term Management (


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