The short answer as reported on from University of California Irvine (UCI) researchers is, because green and black tea contains extracts from the plant species, Camellia sinensis. This compound stimulates proteins in the walls of blood vessels that controls the flow of ions. These researchers are excited because their discovery “could help scientists develop new medications for hypertension.” Isn’t that always the way?
Of course, the danger lies in observing an effect and believing it is the cause. As it turns out years earlier, in 2018, The Journal of Mycology Medicine showed that Camellia sinensis killed 4 species of disease-causing yeasts and therefore that tea could be considered to treat yeast infections that are sometimes life threatening.
If I had high blood pressure, I’d tell my doctor that I’d like his/her help in controlling it with these lifestyle changes;
- Vitamin B3 daily
- Swap coffee for a cup or two of green or black tea daily
- Elimination of all grains in my diet
- A commitment to regular exercise.
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