{flike} Sugar is one of the most addicting substances on planet earth. In one study, rats given a choice between cocaine and sugar, the majority of the rats chose the sugar! It is programmed within us to like the sweet taste of sugar; sugar, or carbohydrates that convert to sugar very quickly during the digestion process taste good to us because they denote energy inside food. Metabolically, sugar burns quickly as energy. This is why you hear about runners and other athletes eating high amounts of carbs before they compete for the boost in available energy. The problem is that our programmed love of sugar was never designed to work with our modern, industrialized food system, where sugar is in virtually everything. What was once a positive thing––the ability to taste the energy inherent in food––actually has come back to bite us. Our collective sugar addiction has led us to consume on average over 100lbs of sugar per person per year in the United States. The problem is that consuming sugar on this scale is linked with a variety of diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers. Knowing this it begins to make sense why we as a nation are collectively so sick. There is another, perhaps more insidious side to our sugar addiction. Sugar and carbohydrate-laden foods are pathogenic fungi’s food of choice. This means that the diet of most people in the United States would do nothing to stem the flourishing of a pathogenic fungal infection. Furthermore, if you are suffering from an underlying pathogenic fungal infection, you would likely be craving those very foods high in carbs and sugar, such as breads, pasta, candy, and sweets, etc.
The problem is that fungal infections are not something your doctor would typically diagnose, but there is evidence that they afflict more people than would be assumed by the mainstream medical community. This is has been what the work of author and researcher Doug Kaufmann has centered around, and he has published a volume of books towards this end. However, over the course of this research, he also discovered a strong link between fungi and diseases like diabetes, cancer, heart disease and many others. Knowing this, a subsequent link between sugar and these diseases might make even more sense. So how does one go about combatting sugar addiction? Like any other addiction, beating sugar addictions is difficult and takes time. Many who go on our diet will experience intense cravings for sugar, bread or other carbohydrate-laden foods. However, many have found that after following the Kaufmann Diet for a period of 4 to 6 weeks, they no longer experience the intense cravings for sugar they once experienced. We believe this is, in part, because when you eliminate underlying fungi and yeast from the body, you no longer crave what those parasitic organisms crave. If you find that you crave or are addicted to sugar, give our Kaufmann 1 Diet a try; while beating sugar addiction is difficult, you may find that following a time on the diet, you feel better than you’ve ever felt. You may also find that you have broken your once unstoppable addiction to sugar. {flike} |