Clearance Books

(6 customer reviews)

Clearance books that have been slightly damaged or worn from shipping or being in storage.

$2.50 USD$15.97 USD

This listing contains clearance books that have been slightly damaged or worn from shipping or being in storage. Damages can includes one or more of these issues: bent covers, bent pages, minor scratches or tears.

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6 reviews for Clearance Books

  1. Rosa (verified owner)

    Excellent books. It’s a work of years of research, testing and tasting. I’m glad there are people who wishes the health of others, not just your own. That’s why I teach family and friends who are open to listen about all the stuff I learned with you guys. We’re not sick, but we don’t want to get sick. I want to have a long healthy life, so I can help my kid, the longest time I can, and there’s not any other way, EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE. Of course I recommend all the books you have. I’m so glad I already completed all the collection of your cooking books. When I used to watch the show on TV, I used to write down the recipes, but it’s way better to have the book. Cooking at home is the best.
    My kid asked me last month: Why we don’t eat like everybody else? No pizzas? Why only on a special occasion?
    I went to get the big book with the picture of Doug on the cover and I told him: “Because he said so!” I’m not making things up, you need to eat good, so your brain and body can perform well at school.
    He got all A’s on his report ( of course with my help), we haven’t had any vacation since he entered kindergarten, so he doesn’t stay behind (we worked a lot at home during the pandemic), now he’s in 6th grade, and we keep working, I don’t press him to get all A’s, but I do want him to do his best in all the subjects. I always tell him: You do your best, and it’s up to the teacher to grade you. I used to be a Math teacher, so he has his tutor at home. Now I only have one student: Him. His teachers love him, because besides working, he behaves pretty good. I think the food has influence on his behavior too.
    The articles you post on your website are amazing, you guys do a lot of research, and I’m going to tell you something, this country is not going to improve education, until we change the way we eat, and until we commit ourselves to do the best we can on whatever we do. Seems that we are going to have to compete with machines in the near future, so “Let’s keep cracking!”( until God calls us ).
    Best wishes and blessings for anybody who is willing to change their life style, at any time of their lives. If you are still breathing, you still have time. Don’t give up. God is with everybody who believes in him, and he’s still sitting down on his throne, always waiting for a good response.
    Thank you for all your work, and all the research that you do.

  2. Jolana (verified owner)

    Amazing information for all who are thinking about starting a family, and for those already on the way. For family members great book to donate to a young couple. So glad Know the Cause offered this book. Specially important as fertility is down after Covid.

  3. Anonymous (verified owner)

  4. Marvin Trujillo (verified owner)

    I follow Doug Kaufman on Know the Cause and have purchased most of his material on his web site. I would like to thank him for the educational experience he shares with us the public on how to live a healthier life. He is truly God sent!!

  5. Anonymous (verified owner)

    Prompt delivery

  6. Lucia G. (verified owner)

    I love this book!

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