One Word Away From Cancer?

One Word Away From Cancer
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A new study has been published that comes very close to confirming the cause of cancer.  It should excite all of us who study both cancer and Clinical Mycology.  The study (1) appears in the February 7, 2022 journal, Metabolites.  Since about 300-500 species of fungi make poisonous fungal “metabolites,” without even understanding why, this was the perfectly named journal in which to publish their findings!  Of course, these are wonderfully brilliant scientists, but like others, they have no idea how close they are to solving the cancer puzzle. They state, “The data presented here show that >90% of cancers are initiated by environmental exposures (the exposome) which lead to cancer-inducing genetic changes. The fact that cancer is an acquired disease, initiated through decades of chronic exposures, is often forgotten by those who view cancer purely through a genetic lens.”  OK.  Simply replace their word “exposome,” with my word, “mycotoxins” and they would have been responsible for discovering the cause of so many cancers. That is Nobel Prize award winning huge. Sadly, they don’t know that one mycotoxin, “aflatoxin” has been used for many years to cause “cancer-induced genetic changes” after inoculating lab animals. Ignorance is bliss in science, but now you know!

This isn’t the first time that scientists have come so close to discovering the role of fungal metabolites (mycotoxins) in cancer.  It should shock no lay person that an old prescriptive drug used to heal toenail fungus is now helping cancer patients.  They were close to proving the role of fungus in cancer when they “repurposed” the powerful antifungal drug, Sporanox for treating cancers.  But then “close” doesn’t count when trying to figure out the cause of cancer, is it? As long as we beg for research dollars that get handed to pharmaceutical companies to try to find a cancer killing drug that isn’t antifungal, we will never resolve this disease.  Cancer is huge business (2)  and many wealthy people benefit financially from cancer research. A cure would halt that funding.  As more clues to the cause of cancer become available, think fungus, because the truth doesn’t require funding and mycotoxins do cause cancer.


1. MDPI: Metabolites | Free Full-Text | Metabolomics and the Multi-Omics View of Cancer | HTML (

2. U.S. News: Cancer Care Costs U.S. $156 Billion Per Year; Drugs a Major Factor | Health News | US News

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