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Nine BIG Breast Cancer Breakthroughs For 2013

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The article opens by stating, “Yes, it’s true: One in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in her life.” 
That doesn’t feel very reassuring given the “breakthrough” content of this article. It’s a pat-on-the-back to cancer researchers who are diligent in their efforts to successfully treat breast cancer.

In essence they are “racing for a cure” and are proud of their progress in 2013. Here are the breakthrough 2013 developments, followed by my notes.

1. Exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

ME: Haven’t we been “walking for the cure” for decades? That’s exercise-how’s it working for you? 

2. Cancer fighting foods exist
ME: First published decades ago-again, not a 2013 breakthrough discovery, but this remains the most important information ever released-oh, coincidentally the same foods also starve fungus…

3. New options for at-risk womenME: These drugs are new options? Knowing that chemicals cause breast cancer, why in the world should a woman take chemicals trusting that it will prevent breast cancer-perhaps because they are new? Since “at-risk women” don’t even have breast cancer, I’d exercise caution here.

4. Breast density matters
ME: Dense breast tissue increases the risk for breast cancer. As cancer researchers have documented for many years now, drugs that only doctors can prescribe, like HRT’s, cause an increase in breast tissue density, and therefore increase breast cancer risk. Do we need new drugs with this in mind?

5. A better tech tool
ME: So we have bad tech tools now? Before mammograms were developed, the incidence of breast cancer was a fraction of what it is today. This new “tech tool” is called Digital Mammography. I’m concerned that breast cancer diagnoses will once again dramatically rise with this “breakthrough” tech tool aimed at finding very tiny lumps, very early. These new cancer diagnoses will probably be called “premature-just before-very early-so tiny that it probably isn’t even there-micro-breast cancer.” Whew! Now we can help more women~Thank God for tech tools!

6. Safer radiation in less time
ME: According to government documentation, radiation causes breast cancer, so when is it safer? Perhaps in 2013, and simply because it is 2013?

7. No cancer left behind
ME: A mechanical probe that tells surgeons whether breast cancer margins are soft or hard. Why? Margins that are cancerous TEND TO BE (NOT “ARE”) hard. One doctor says, “It’s incredible.” I kind of agree. That this technology of questionable accuracy is called a “breakthrough” is incredible…to me

8. Game changing medications
ME: For 40 years I have witnessed new breakthrough medications changing people, but never games. If you truly believe that these medications will be game changing in their efforts to cure cancer… I’ve got some older stock certificates that I’d like you to take a look at.

9. Chemo with less hair loss
ME: If chemo is doing that to your scalp, what is it doing to your bloodstream? Didn’t their 1975 chemo “breakthrough” cause this hair loss? How many lives has it saved since? The real numbers would simultaneously shock and amaze you~

I have worked with so many women who have had breast cancer and I still believe that it continues to be over diagnosed. After all, is ductal carcinoma in-situ really “carcinoma? I feel so bad for them, because after being diagnosed, they were given a handful of (in my opinion) weak options, two-thirds of which are able to (chemo/radiation) cause cancer. Imagine having cancer and being hopeful and excited to read of these nine “breakthroughs,” only to learn that headlines don’t have to be truthful, they just have to sell!



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