If you are at all like me, you might have food ADD. What I mean by this is that I can’t focus on one flavor for very long. I have an insatiable curiosity for new kinds of food; it is one of life’s greatest pleasures for me, and there really isn’t anything I won’t try at least once. |
(I draw the line at things with more than four legs.) This unquenchable curiosity has even driven me to put myself in pain; I was eating sushi the other day with a friend who prompted me to try something called a “Tear Drop” roll. The name is not a misnomer – this roll consists of freshly grated wasabi and seaweed, and it brought tears to my eyes. My whole head tingled and burned for the better part of 5 minutes. I think some research needs be done on the anti-fungal properties of wasabi; I don’t see how any sort of pathogen could survive that burn!
I bring this up for this reason; sometimes, you have to give your taste buds something different. As many Phase veterans know, Kaufmann 1 & 2 aren’t so much limited as they are exclusive. Unfortunately for most Americans though, the foods excluded on the Kaufmann 1 & 2 are the exact foods that comprise the majority of their diets, so it feels like you are giving up a lot at first, especially in the way of flavor.
If this is your first foray into dieting, natural health, or the Kaufmann 1or 2 diets specifically, and you are a food aficionado like me, let this be your introduction to a whole new world of flavor. Dieting doesn’t have to be bland. It doesn’t have to be boring or monotonous. The whole spectrum of herbs and spices is enough to keep anyone busy for a life time. Ingredients like garlic, ginger and turmeric are delicious ways to give dishes exotic flavor, and the health benefits, specifically the fungus-fighting properties of these ingredients, are off the charts.
I know that even the phrase “going on a diet” carries a connotation of self denial. It doesn’t have to. You can take just as much pleasure in food as the next guy, and I would contend that you could even take more. When you eat like this you are doing a few things. You are nourishing your body by putting clean, whole foods – foods we are designed to eat – into your body. You are providing yourself with energy and sustenance, but without the boom and bust cycles that come with eating starchy, carby, sugary, processed food. And, you are limiting exposure to mycotoxins while starving pathogenic fungi – the foundation of Doug’s work.
Doug often refers to the Kaufmann 1 & 2 as lifestyles rather than diets. The fact is that once you get used to eating this way, you learn to appreciate the kinds of flavors that come with eating on Kaufmann 1. And you will feel so good that eating any other way simply becomes unattractive. Try it for a week!
For more info or the Kaufmann 1 diet click here. To purchase a Kaufmann 1& 2 Cookbook, brimming with delicious recipes, click here.