Men and Prostate Problems


The prostate gland isn’t something we men usually like to think about – until, of course, it begins to act up. Prostate problems, however, affect virtually all men over the age of fifty, and symptoms usually worsen as men age. Benign prostatic hypertrophy is the most common prostate problem in men. It can cause trouble urinating. Doctors often prescribe medicine or advise surgery to fix problems associated with BPH or an “enlarged prostate”.

The prostate can also develop cancer. Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men other than skin cancer. It is very treatable when caught early. The PSA test has been the bench mark for determining whether a man has prostate cancer or not for some time now. Elevated levels of “prostate specific antigen” can signify that a man has prostate cancer. However, much debate has gone over the accuracy and efficacy of this test, with many doctors now doubting its use.

Regardless, prostate problems, in some way or another, are something that most men will likely deal with in their life.

But is there a connection to fungus?

Most doctors contend that benign prostatic hypertrophy is a natural part of the male aging process. However, Doug has posited that fungus may, indeed, be a cause for the swelling of the prostate that is called BPH. His theory suggests that fungus can infect the prostate, causing it to swell, much the way yeast causes bread to rise. This swelling, in turn, can cause the symptoms associated with BPH.

Furthermore, Doug’s research has drawn a clear link between fungal mycotoxins and cancer.

So, the two diseases most associated with the prostate both have some sort of fungal links. Therefore, a prudent measure that would work towards preventing fungal proliferation in the body might also be beneficial for prostate health. To that end, Doug has developed the Kaufmann 1 Diet, which starves pathogenic fungal infections in the body while preventing exposure to foods commonly contaminated by fungal poisons.

If you are experiencing prostate problems – or if you are interested in trying to prevent prostate problems – try switching your diet over to a Kaufmann 1 Diet.

In addition to this, there are some supplements you can try that may aid in reducing symptoms of BPH. Beta-sitosterol is one supplement you may try. Beta-sitosterol is a plant compound that is recommended for treatment of a number of different disease, from cancer to heart problems to high cholesterol. Pumpkin is also recommended; its diuretic effects can help ease the effects of BPH. And pygeum is derived from the bark of the pygeum tree – its inherent compounds can aid in shrinking the prostate.

If you switch your diet to a Kaufmann 1 diet and all of the sudden your prostate problems disappear, you may have discovered what was causing your problems all along.

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